Chapter 17

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-Elizabeth's POV-

My hair had dried by the time all of this shit had gone down, so I just took a quick shower to rewash my hair. When I got out, I dried off and got dressed in my borrowed clothes. I blew my hair dry, and quickly styled it.

When I walked out, Kol was gone and Bekah was sitting on her bed, flipping through a magazine. When she saw me, she threw her magazine away, and jumped up, giving me a smirk that instantly made me nervous.

“What?” I asked skittishly.

“We're going shopping!” she yelled, throwing her arms out. I let out my breath and laughed.

“Oh, thank God. I got a little nervous there...”

She laughed and looped her arm through mine and pulled me along with her.

“Well, Mother is throwing a ball and we must have gowns for it, plus, seeing as you will be spending loads of time here, you will need some emergency clothes. Now, I don't mind you borrowing mine sometimes, as I obviously have the better taste of us girls, but you should still have some clothes of your own here, just in case...” she rambled. I pulled her to a stop.

“Wait, Bex. Hold up for a moment. One – did you say a ball? Am I even invited? And two, who says I'll be spending much time here?” I asked, staring at her. She smirked at me.

“Yes, a ball. And of course you're invited. Everyone loves you, well except Mother and Finn, but that's only because they haven't met you yet. When they do, I know they will love you as well. And you will absolutely be spending boatloads of time here. Of course, you and Kol will be hanging out a bunch, plus me and you need some quality girl time. And, once you and Nik make up, you two will want to be together a bunch, too.” she states.

“Alright, I will come to your ball.” I state. “As for your last statement, who said me and Klaus were getting back together, let alone making up?” I asked, shocked at her conclusion about our relationship. She frowned.

“Why, of course you will make up. Don't be stupid. You two are made for each other. You had a little spat, but all will become right again. Now come along, we have a little bit of a drive to find a boutique worthy of our service. I'm thinking New York...” she rambled, pulling me along again.

I rolled my eyes, and allowed her to drag me behind her. I thought about what she had said.

Were me and Klaus meant to be together. Could I forgive him for what had happened, what he said? Did he even want me anymore? I shook my head. It was ridiculous. Bekah just wanted to see us happy. She always had rooted for us. But sometimes, no matter how much you want things to work, they never can...

-Time Gap-

After trying on loads of dresses, I still hadn't found the perfect gown. Rebekah had found a stunning green dress that flattered her perfectly.

We walked the streets of NYC, looking in the windows of shops, and occasionally going in, but nothing was standing out. We had compelled the people at the store Bekah had bought her dress at to deliver it, so we didn't have to worry about that, just finding me a dress.

As we walked, we talked about our lives after we had separated.

“YOU CHOSE STEFAN OVER KLAUS!?!” I cried, shocked. I wasn't shocked that her and Stefan had gotten together. Actually, I use to have fantasies of them being together back in the day, even though I thought him dead. I was shocked, because Rebekah and Klaus were super close, closer than any of the others. I couldn't imagine her betraying him like that.

“Yes, yes. A foolish mistake, I know. One that ended up with me daggered. But I fancied myself in love. I thought we could live happily ever after. I should have known that couldn't last. Not after what happened with you and Nik.” she said sadly.

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