Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry it has taken me a few days to update. I had some family drama to deal with. For making you wait, I will try to upload 2 chapters today, maybe 3 – we'll see. Anyway, back to the story.

-Elizabeth’s POV-

*Flashback 1864*

'Klaus has been here for two weeks. I wonder when he's going to leave...' I thought to myself, as Klaus and I strolled around the lake, hand in hand.

We had grown extremely close since that first day, and we had become romantically involved, through we had yet to consummate our love. But I had made up my mind that I was in love with him, and I was going to tell him so today. But I was worried – one, that he didn't feel the same, and two, that he was going to leave me soon. As I was pondering all of this, Klaus pulled me to a stop and turned towards me.

Elizabeth...” he started.

Lizzie.” I said. He smirked.

Lizzie...these past few weeks have been some of the greatest in my long life.” he continued, smiling. I smiled back, but soon his smile faded. Mine fell as well, as I knew what he was about to say.

Lizzie, I must leave. I have...things that I must do... hunting Katerina, breaking my curse, and I have heard that my father is growing near.” he paused, looking at me. My tears were starting to overflow. “Do not cry, dearest.” he whispered, wiping my eyes.

But, I don't want you to leave.” I cried. “Klaus, I love you!” I yelled. He pulled back and looked at me.

What?” he whispered, shocked at my confession.

I...I love you.” I whispered, looking down. He pulled my head up and looked into my eyes. When he saw the truth shining in my eyes, he crushed my lips to his. It was a kiss full of passion, anguish, and most of all, love.

I love you too.” he whispered, when he pulled away. I leaned my forehead against his.

Then don't leave me.” I whispered. He pulled away and looked at me.

I must leave.” he said, and my heart broke. He would still leave, even with us loving each other. Suddenly, an idea formed in my head.

Take me with you.” I said. He pulled back, shocked once again.

What?” he whispered.

Take me with you. I want to be with you, and if you are leaving, then I must too.” I said, determined that this is what I wanted.

Lizzie, it is much too dangerous for a human to be in my world...” he protested. I paused, thinking for a moment. This thought had been floating in my head for a while, but I wasn't sure if it was what I wanted. Now, though, I was sure.

Then turn me.” I whispered, though I was confident with my decision. He turned around, as he had been pacing.

What did you just say?” he asked, as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Turn me.” I said. “Klaus, I love you, and I want to be with you. Turn me.”

I can't condemn you to this curse.” he said, flabbergasted.

It wouldn't be a curse.” I said, sure of my choice. “I would get to be with you forever.” I whispered, suddenly afraid that that isn't what he wanted. He looked at me, shocked. Then I saw a steel form in his eyes, and I braced myself for what he was about to say.

But he didn't say anything, he bit into his wrist and offered it to me.

If you are sure this is what you want...” he said, stepping towards me. I smiled and stepped forward and put his wrist into my mouth. His blood tasted bitter, but I continued to drink it. Finally he pulled away, and pulled my lips to his mouth. We kissed passionately, and then he pulled away, still gripping my head.

I love you, Elizabeth Salvatore.” he whispered.

And I love you, Niklaus Mikealson.” I replied, giving him one last kiss.

See you on the other side.” he said with a smirk. I smiled, then I felt a crack and a brief pain before everything went dark.

-Time Gap-

I woke up on my bed. It was dark out.

Klaus?” I whispered, then heard movement next to me. I saw him sitting in the chair by my bed, watching me.

You're awake.” he said, smiling at me. I grinned, and nodded.

Am I...?” I started to ask. He shook his head.

You are in transition.” he replied. “You must drink human blood to complete it.” I nodded.

So, how do I get that?” I pondered aloud. He smirked at me.

Don't worry, love. I've got that taken care of.” he stated, then left the room. I wondered what he was talking about, until he walked into the room with a strange woman.

Suddenly, Klaus bit into her neck. He pulled away, letting her blood spill out of her wounds. All I could focus on and think about was that blood. I got off the bed, and walked towards her.

When I reached her, I pulled her to me, and slowly lowered me head to her neck. I bit into her, and her blood filled my mouth. The feeling it brought was euphoric. I felt so much power coursing though me. I couldn't get enough.

Lizzie...Lizzie...Elizabeth!” Klaus called to me, trying to drag me off, but I just kept drinking. I kept drinking until suddenly, her head was no longer connected to her body. I looked down, and saw her head laying at her feet.

My stomach dropped, repulsion filled me, and I shoved her body away, and stepped back. I was utterly disgusted with myself. I looked at Klaus, and saw wonder fill his face. He took a step towards me, but I took a step back.

Don't.” I whispered. “I could hurt you. Look at what I've done...” I said, looking at her headless body. It sickened me that I had done that.

Suddenly, Klaus was right in front of my, pulling me into his embrace.

It's okay, love.” he whispered, as the tears overtook me and I started sobbing. He rubbed my back and soothed me.

It's okay. We can work on it.” he whispered, as slowly my tears came to a stop.

What am I? Why did that happen? That never happens when you hunt...” I whispered, looking at him. He smirked.

You are a ripper, love. It may come in handy some day.” I looked at him, shocked.

What do you mean? I don't want to do that ever again.” I whispered.

I can help you control it.” he said. “But the time may come where you and I will want to, need to, use the ripper to our advantage. Someday, you may even think it fun to do that.” he said. I looked at him shocked, but slowly, I nodded. If he needed me to do that again, for him, I would.

Okay. But only if necessary.” I said. He smiled wide, then pulled me into a passionate kiss.

I love you, Lizzie.” he said pulling away. I smiled wide.

I love you too, Klaus” I said.

A/N: As always, let me know what you think.

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