Chapter 45 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 1

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 A/N: This is your lucky day!! I have decided to split this last chapter into two parts. I had this idea floating in my head, and two fans said to go this way – thanks @aannaaflo and @alrj1211!

This chapter is dedicated to @aannaaflo for recently joining my group of readers, and for being such a sweetheart!
Hope you enjoy the beginning of the end!!

-Klaus' POV-

The eldest Salvatore and the youngest Gilbert walk into the bar.

“Hello, mates.” I call out. They both look around in shock, taking in all the dead bodies surrounding us, about 30 in total.

“What is this?” the Hunter asks, looking at me. I notice that the Salvatore is looking to my side. I address him first.

“If you are looking for Elizabeth, she is not here.” I state. He looks at me.

“Isn't she awake yet?” he asks, concern on his face.

“Yes, she is. However, she does not agree with our crusade. She is fearful of Silas, who is buried with the cure. So, she is at home.”

“What did you do?” he asks, anger in his eyes.

“Something I regret very much, but was necessary. Don't worry, she is fine.” I said, then turned my attention to the young Gilbert boy.

“This...” I said, motioning to the bodies, “ your training session.”

“They're all vampires?” he asked, looking around.

“Yes. Recently turned.” I said, nodding. “And they are all quite hungry, which is why I am so glad you brought them a snack.”

“Wait, what?” he asks confused.

“I hear a human heart beating just outside the walls of this bar – young Matthew, I assume. These vamps will wake up soon, and they have all been compelled to chase the human. I would suggest taking them out before they get to him.” I said, standing and walking past them both. They each had a look of shock on their face.

“Have fun.” I whispered, before walking to my car and driving away.

-Elizabeth's POV-

“Lizzie? Lizzie! Wake up!” a familiar voice broke through the blackness. I groaned, thinking back to what caused this. I was talking to Klaus about Silas, and then...

“THAT SON OF A...” I yelled, sitting up. I winced at the soreness in my neck – customary when your neck is broken.

“Welcome back, darling.” Kol said, stepping back and smirking at me.

“I am going to kill him!!” I said, swinging my legs off the bed.

“Yes, well, I have a better idea.” Kol said, looking at me.

“And what might that be?” I asked, looking at him. He offered me his hand, which I took, and he helped me off the bed.

“Ruin his plans of finding the cure.” he said, smirking evilly at me. I smiled back.

“Let's do it.” I said. Together, we ran out of the house, got into Kols' car and drove off.


We pulled up to a remote bar shortly after sunrise.

“What are we doing here?” I asked, confused.

“Klaus made a bunch of new vampires for the young Gilbert boy to kill. None of them have daylight rings. I don't know if or how many the Hunter killed, but whatever is left will be here. We are going to take them out before he does. No vampires to kill, the mark doesn't spread, and they can't find the cure.” Kol explained. I nodded, and got out of the car.

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