35: love, fear, & loyalty

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Two knocks later, Skipper Collin Hunt cedes me a scan from his computer screen. A tipping chin doesn't suffice as a reaction for me so I innately wait to be directed. 

"Have a seat." He casts me to a chair opposite him and brings his vigilant eyes back to the monitor. So I do. 

He isn't typing. He's navigating his mouse with timely clicking sounds in total alertness. 

I take a chance to observe his cabin. A minimalistic brown cabin with wooden accessories and furniture. The huge glass window must allow enough sunlight to blind the eyes, which are currently hidden behind roller blinds. I spot one shelf with a transparent door nesting about twenty files all in the same black color. The top of that shelf has some artifacts that I can bet don't belong to this Skipper. It must have been a complementary gift from the hotel. 

Beside the shelf is another tall wooden cupboard with no transparent doors so I have nothing to pry on. His wooden desk is basic with one pencil stand, one paperweight, one notepad, and a bunch of scattered stationery. I also spotted the mug prints of two coffee mugs (probably) which didn't come with roasters. Two crushed paper balls, a bunch of post-its in illegible handwriting, and then he leans over to press a button on the side of his table. 

In walks a lady dressed in blue scrubs almost immediately. "Park, this is Dr. Arizona Martinez. She is doing her Senior Residency at Morbridge University, Brooklyn. She's interning this boot camp and she will be doing your first aid." 

Dr. Arizona Martinez smiles as my Skipper gives her an introduction still focused on his monitor screen. Scrutinizing his level of concentration, I have a feeling if I peeked at the monitor, I'd end up catching him playing a video game. 

"I don't need first aid." I voice something I thought I already made clear to him. 

I see Arizona's eyes tapering down to my red knuckles. Instinctively, I hide it from her but she ends up stretching her smile. 

"Follow the doctor to that room please," Collin points to the door just adjacent to his cabin that is marked with the board INFIRMARY. I continue debating what next I can come up with to avoid going to that room but I lack the time as Hunt says, "Do you need me to escort you too?" 

He hit my ego. He is smart. He knows how to get to me.  

Sighing, I get up and head inside the door Dr. Arizona holds for me. She signals me to sit on the blue medical bed before fetching her magic tools. As I sit there waiting, I wonder if I've offended her with my cut-throat remarks. I want to tell her it's got nothing to do with her but the problem is, I don't know how. I'm worried that my conversation starter could be the second time I offend her because I can come off as dry and insensitive while trying to convey a point. 

As she cleans my bruises—the ones on my hand and the sides of my neck, I notice she has this pleasant smile fixated across her face. How can someone smile like that for so long and without any reason? It's probably a medical routine that doctors get trained to do. If I were in her position, I'd quit within five minutes. 

"Are you afraid of doctors or are you afraid to trust?" Her question surprises me but she carries on dabbing my wounds ever so gently. 

I hate to admit but silence would be too mean and she doesn't deserve that. "The latter," I avoid her gaze which raises up to my face for a brief second to study me. 

A second later, she gasps with a huge grin. "Hold on, are you the one who broke Jayden Banks's nose?" 

"Wow, he sure is getting famous." 

I chuckle replaying the words 'broken' and 'nose'. I feel so bad that those two words in association with Jayden Banks are bringing me so much joy. I am a really bad person. 

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