Chapter One

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As I was enjoying the sweet flavor of my strawberry cupcake, my mom marched into the living room with a huge and scary grin on her shining, wrinkle-free face. For a forty-six-year-old single mom, she can be super energetic, which can be super annoying at times... But I loved her so much. I couldn't be separated from her for a long time; we were like twins that couldn't be apart from each other. So cheesy. "What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously at her.

She ran her hand through her blonde hair and breathed in, then out. No, Lexi, they breathe up and down! "You'll have to move in with your brothers." She stated this like she just told me I was adopted. Don't worry, I'm not adopted... I think. I fixed my position on the beanbag chair and stared at her with wide eyes. My green eyes were probably popping out, like in all cartoons. I love cartoons.

"Say what now?" I asked her, with raised eyebrows, then crossed my arms over my chest and waited for her to enlighten me with the answer.

Mom rolled her eyes and gave an annoying smile. She feels guilty, I can sense it. "As I said, you'll have to move in to live with your three older brothers." She replied like it was the most obvious thing ever. "You still remember them, right?" she added in a sarcastic tone. Of course, I remember them, geez. I tried to analyze what she had said, but my wide and creative mind was blank like black space. I could be lost in it for too long; the black color could be charming and enchanting. Wait, I had a serious matter to deal with. I'll deal with it in a mature way.

"What? Who? When? And most importantly, Why?" I asked all at once, hoping she'd answer all of them.

Mom kneeled down in front of me and cupped my cheeks. "Sweetness, you have to trust me on this one. I came to realize that you didn't and aren't enjoying the spring years of your life in the right way. You need to discover the world" She reasoned with a sad look, and I sighed.

"How can I see the world, Mom? I'm in it, so yeah... I love being homeschooled here. In this cozy and warm house. Here!" I declared while putting more emphasis on the word here, and she chuckled as if I told her something funny. I didn't.

"Lexi, honey. You finished high school and received your diploma at fourteen, and now you're working so hard to finish your university years through the net. All I'm saying is that you can go to an actual university and make some friends and finish your studies, then boom... a new psychiatrist in the Houston family." Mom countered with a smile, and I rolled my eyes.

"I have friends!" I defended. She grinned.

"Sweetness, your bed, and the kitchen aren't considered friends. You can consider them as crushes or lovers but not friends. Your brothers will take care of you because you'll attend the same university as them." She explained in a cheerful tone. Me, with my brothers, in the same house or dorm... Right.

"Funny, because last time I checked, they sent a boy to a hospital when he tried to talk to me... He was fifteen and I was fourteen, Mom! For goodness sake, please don't make me go!" I blurted out while throwing my hands in the air for more dramatic effects. I like to act like a drama queen, but I don't like to be like one. Makes sense?

"Lexi, they were just protecting you. They love you." She rubbed my palms with her hands. Her touch was so freaking cold. You expected me to say ′Her touch was so warm′, right? Well... We're in summer and she was probably eating ice cream behind my back. That traitor.

"I know. I love them too but it's not the only reason why I was homeschooled." I raised my eyebrows at her to show her my point. It's a good and logical point, actually.

"You're super intelligent, Lexi; you had to be homeschooled. The teachers couldn't keep up to your intelligence," she replied, totally dismissing my claim. I just laughed.

"No, it's because I got expelled from my last school at thirteen, Mom! I have anger issues when it comes to little squeaky noises, and you know it — everyone in the family knows it. That one squeaky noise that the teacher was doing on the board made me livid and scratch his face... With the damn scissors!" I declared in a louder tone. One of the reasons why I wanted to be a psychiatrist was to manage my temper and not be that mad when it came to annoying noises. At least, I hoped it'd work.

"I'm not going and that's final," I stated in a firm tone, then stood up. Mom clapped her hands together and that made me stop moving.

"You look so cute when you think that it's your choice to decide. It's been settled with your brothers, and they will be waiting for you at the airport when you land," she explained strictly, and I groaned, feeling pissed off at her decision. She can't be the boss of me... Well, technically, she can. Ugh, I'm confusing myself.

"But they live in Sydney, Australia, and we live in California. It's too far from here." I whined like a little baby hoping that any excuse would work to stop her from moving me away.

"It's not like you have friends to miss. Now suck it up and go pack. You'll leave tomorrow morning. End of discussion," she remarked, and I felt hurt-ish at her true words.

"Touché," I commented, then went to my room to pack, feeling defeated. She had made her decision; Lexi had to pay the price. Always. Why was I born to a family that has no girls besides Mom? Well, life was tough and so was my luck. If I had any. I opened my bedroom door and entered. I examined the room to see the same old plain white walls and the queen-sized bed in the middle of the room. Nothing had changed since that day. It was too hurtful to make changes... Nah, I was too lazy to alter anything. I mean, who cares if my room lacked colors? It's not like I have friends to judge or suggest a change. Wow, Mom was right. I have no one to miss here, well, except her that is.

I went to my closet and pulled out my suitcase — it was big enough to fit my clothes. Then I grabbed another suitcase — but smaller — for my other stuff, like my laptop, charger, headphones, and some makeup that Mom bought for me once. I didn't have much stuff to pack and thank God for that.


As I was closing the suitcases, my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID and smiled. "Hey, Arlo!" I said to my nineteen-year-old brother who was so much like me... We were both lazy.

"Hey, little sis, how are you?" he asked, and I could swear that I felt the smile in his tone, which made me smile in return.

"I'm good. So, I heard that I'm moving in with you guys?" I broached the subject, then fell back on my comfy bed. I was sure I was going to miss that bed so much. Once again, Mom was right... It was my lover, not my friend.

"Yes, I'm so excited. Now, we can make sure no boys come near you. You'll be with us in every class besides your major class," he replied, and I rolled my eyes. No boys near me... Like they dare come near me with you around.

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes, then opened the book that I was reading last night.

"And before I go — tomorrow, on the plane, don't talk to boys. Clear?" he demanded in a firm tone, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine!" I breathed out. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, brother," I said, then closed my phone and turned my attention to the book. Sydney, here I come.

I am Back!! 2/05/2022

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