Chapter Twenty Four

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We won the game, all thanks to teamwork. As I always say, teamwork is the key to success... Nah, I don't say that, but I wanted to sound sophisticated. I think it worked!


Latoya called for her manager and showed him that she had brought more hungry customers who would pay a lot. "Sir, I will make you rich tonight because we are hungry after a successful basketball match. "Do I get a raise?" she asked straight to the point, pleading puppy eyes. The manager laughed and nodded. He seemed friendly.

"I was going to give it to you anyway since you are a hard worker and sweet to the customers, and you do extra work sometimes, but now I have a reason that the other employees can't argue with; they are teenage needy, money-loving freaks." He pointed out the bitter truth, and we all laughed at Lee's facial expression and the accuracy of his description. Milo stood next to her, then kissed her temple.

"At least you'll get the raise, so let's eat," I remarked, and we all sat on a big, round table that fits all of us. I sat between Theo and Arlo, Alice sat between Theo and Latoya, Milo between Lee and Holden, Jess between Holden and Jude, and the brothers next to Jude. Oh, and Gavin sat on a baby's chair. Did you get the formation?

"I suggest you all order today's special because it's absolutely delicious. Mark my words and, for little Gavin, there is a children's meal that he can eat: it's basically crushed rice with sweet milk," Lee explained, and we all nodded. I trusted her enough to trust her with my food choice. That was a big deal for me. No kidding! "Great, now let me just get the attention of my annoying coworker..." she said, and we waited for her next move, which was whistling loudly using her fingers. You know, that move where you put two fingers in your mouth and... Okay, I'll stop. You know-how.

Milo groaned, then tapped his ear. "Lee, a little warning would have been wonderful!" he clarified, and she laughed.

"That's the only way he will come, as he doesn't like me because I'm serious about my job, and he always picks on me, so it's my turn. I'm the customer now!" she replied with a sly smirk. Milo paled, and I prayed we would not have to bail her out of jail. We all turned and looked at the waiter. He seemed pretty young... fifteen years young. He was picking on Lee? Who does he think he is?

"What can I do — you!" He stopped mid-sentence and looked at Latoya with an annoyed expression. "What are you doing here? It's your day off. You're not supposed to be here. It should be my happy day!" he exclaimed monotonously, but he never looked into her eyes. He kind of seemed nervous? Oh... I get it.

"Ha! It's my day off, and I have the right to wander around as I want to. Now, care to take our orders?" She fired back with a calm expression, leaned back on Milo's chest, and the waiter clenched his fists when she did that. Yes, he is. I smirked, leaned forward, and placed my elbows on the table.

"Lee, I think I know why he acts like he doesn't stand the ground you walk on...." I pointed out and caught everyone's attention. She looked at me with raised eyebrows, and the waiter eyed me to see if I really knew what was up with his rude attitude. "He likes you," I stated. It was the truth for sure, based on the boy's reaction. His cheeks turned crimson red, and his eyes were wide open. Lee looked at me, then at the boy, then back at me with a nod, then laughed.

Milo wrapped his arm around her waist to show that she was his girl. The funny and amusing thing was that the boy didn't deny it. Latoya composed herself and looked serious all of a sudden. "You are not kidding? He didn't deny it." With all due respect, I love her as a sister... but she was slow.

"Nope," I replied, then leaned back on my seat and made myself comfortable on Arlo's chest. No one talked. We were waiting for the drama to begin.

"I do like you; ever since I first saw you," he said in a hushed tone, but we all heard him. He was about to get his heart broken. But it was not Latoya's fault. He acted rudely, and she was naive, so he should have said that from the beginning and not let his heart be too attached to the idea of liking her.

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