Chapter Nineteen

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After the day went by, we headed back home. Jess came with Holden to our dorm along with Jude. When we were chatting and eating snacks together... wait, let me rephrase this: they were eating snacks together. I was eating alone because then I would have a more considerable amount of food. Brilliant, no? Anyhow, I had a fine idea about something significant. Not a prank, well... this time.

"Hey, Milo," I called out. He turned his head and gestured for me to keep talking. "Send me Latoya's phone number — it got deleted from my phone," I said, and it was the truth. When I was about to send Lee a picture from my phone earlier today, Arlo came from behind and surprised me. That caused my phone to fall to the ground and delete her number from my accounts. Don't ask how because I have zero ideas.

"Sure," he replied, then pulled out his phone.

"And I'll invite her over. Is it okay with you?" I asked.

"Of course. To be honest, I missed my girl," Milo replied, and I just wanted to say aww. Never mind, Jess did it on my behalf.

"So cute," Theo and Arlo said, at the same time, in a sarcastic tone, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Ha! You'll be worse than him when you get a girlfriend, each of you," I pointed out, and Jess nodded.

"Yes, she's absolutely right," she agreed. Their eyes widened.

"No, we won't," they denied, and I just rolled my eyes at their naïveté. Ignoring them, I texted Latoya. Minutes later, she told me that she was on her way.

"Hey, Jess, come with me for a moment," I said, then pointed to the bedroom, and she followed me. As we entered, I closed the door and smiled at her.

"What?" she said, then sat on my bed.

"You see, Milo's girlfriend, Latoya, has a best friend, and her name is Alice," I began, then sat next to her. "When Theo met her, he was enchanted by her beauty and wit, and I'm not kidding. He flirted with her until we left, so I asked him what was that all about, and he said it was nothing, but come on... we both know it was something. So, what I did a minute ago will make him thank me in the future for making him the happiest man alive," I explained as I stared at the ceiling.

"What did you do?" she stood up and jumped up and down like a kid who saw a flying rabbit. It has been my dream ever since I was three to see a flying rabbit. Don't judge.

"I told Latoya to bring Alice with her. She asked me why, and I told her my amazing plan. She was more than excited, and I knew that because of the million happy emojis she sent," I said, then showed her the text, feeling proud of my work.

"That's one of the reasons we just clicked. You are my girl best friend," she declared with a grin, then jumped on me, and I felt like I had died and came back to life with broken bones.

"Ugh, that hurt like a truck!" I groaned in pain, then pushed her off of me. She landed on the floor with a thud. "You're heavy as a wooden closet, and I know that feeling because it fell on me once," I added. She lifted her head and looked at me.

"Thank you. I'm trying my best." She smiled like a sweet angel, but I was not buying that lovely look because I was just like her.

"Trying your best for what?!" I asked as I sat on the bed and rubbed my stomach. Damn, that hurt. Stop being a drama queen, Lexi! Well... at least I am a queen.

"For gaining enough weight to crush someone when they try to kidnap me, someday..." she reasoned, and I gave her a flat expression for a couple of seconds, then burst out laughing.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you have your own bodyguards, you won't ever get kidnapped. Believe me!" she replied, and I chuckled. True.

"Yeah, my brothers could scare anyone if they wanted to," I agreed, then stood up when I heard a female voice from outside. "They are here," I said, and we left the room. "Hey, girls!" I greeted them with warm hugs.

"Hey, Lexi," Lee said, then she let go of me and stood near Milo. "Hey, babe," she smiled.

"Hey," Milo replied, then pecked her lips quickly and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I missed you, Lexi," Alice said as she ruffled my hair like a puppy and hugged me again.

"Me too. How have you been?" I asked, then looked at Theo, who was looking at Alice affectionately. If that was not love at second sight, then call me an idiot. I am not an idiot. That is a fact.

"I've been great. After my breakup with the prick, my life became brighter," she said, and I smirked at her.

"That doesn't mean you're not up for another relationship, right?" I mentioned, then grinned at Jess and Lee. They mirrored my grin.

Alice looked at me with narrow eyes, then she crossed her arms. "If the guy is nice and thoughtful and not a player and has the commitment, then I'm down for a serious relationship with him," she explained, then walked to the couch along with everyone else.

I hurried to Theo's side and whispered, "You heard her, brother; you got a chance. You're welcome. Don't blow it," I advised with a glare. His eyes went wide when he realized what I had done there.

"No comment," he sighed, then walked and sat on the same couch as Alice, but not so close to her because Milo and Lee were in the middle. On second thought, he was not even near her.

I clapped my hands as I thought of something good. "Let's play dare or dare and maybe truth," I suggested, and they all looked at me.

"Dare or dare and maybe truth? Is that your new version of truth or dare?" Arlo said, with a knowing look on his face.

"You know me too well, bro. It's quite easy, actually. We make someone stand up and close his or her eyes, then spin in their place and stop when I clap – when it's not my turn to play. The person you stand face-to-face with will do the dare no matter what," I explained, and Holden raised his hand. "Anything you need to ask?" I added.

"Yes, what about the 'maybe truth' part?" Holden asked.

"It will be truth whenever I feel like it — my version, my rules," I replied, like the boss I was. Wait, I preferred to be called a leader because a leader would help her brother get into a relationship while a boss would just boss everyone around. Makes sense?

"Okay, let us begin then," Alice pointed out, and I smirked.

"I will go first for the demonstration. Jess, you clap," I said, then texted her quickly. She read it and smirked back. Let the fun begin.

I am 10 chapters ahead on inkitt. If you want to read there, send me a dm :)

Trapped with My Brothers ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora