Chapter Thirty Four

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"Okay. Who's going to prank who next?" Jess asked to break the tension, and she did. I raised my hand and grinned at my dearest friends. They looked at me like the sudden realization hit them with a big fat elephant. I glanced at Lexi, and an idea popped into my head. She could help me prank them, and then I take revenge on her when she least expects it. I feel brilliantly evil, and I love it!

I thought of a way to talk to Lexi in private, seeing that I could not while she was with her stupid brothers and not stupid father. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and texted Jess. When I sent an SOS, she snapped her head at me in concern. I smiled to make her relax and focus on texting me back.

'I want you to help me sit with Lexi alone. I will prank her brothers today, and I need her help,' I typed quickly and looked at Milo, who was talking about basketball practice. I pretended to listen when I plotted the prank in my head.

Jess replied, 'On it. Meet us in the park near the dorms. I will come up with an excuse to drag her with me without her brothers. Stand by the swings.'

I mouthed thank you and focused on the guys' conversation, but at some point, I zoned out and stared at her. Lexi was a beautiful, charismatic, elegant, and funny girl. For some reason, I stopped hooking up with random girls because every time I kissed a girl, I imagined her as Lexi.

At first, I denied my feelings toward her, but with time, I realized how incredible she was. She was delicate yet feisty at the same time, which I found very attractive. I got really jealous when Gabriel touched her. I wanted to beat him up, yet I could not do anything since her dad and brothers were watching. And I could not make a move on her when I did not know how she felt around me or about me. Did she even like me?

She felt my intense gaze on her and looked at me. I did not look away. I wanted her to know that I felt something for her. I wanted her to know that I had stopped being a player. I wanted her to know that I wanted her with me. I liked her sincerely.

She blushed like a red rose when I smiled genuinely, and she faked a cough to hide her shyness. Her dad looked at her and asked if she was okay, and I chuckled. She was absolutely adorable.

"Lexi," Jessica called, and I grinned.


"I want you to come with me today to my house. I want to show you something," Jess explained in her usual tone, and I applauded her in my head. I looked back at Lexi to see her smiling.

"Sure, I will after we finish classes," she clarified, and I looked at her brothers to see them staring at her. She rolled her eyes and huffed. "What? Do you want to object?" she asked with one raised eyebrow. Her dad chuckled.

"You can go," he stated, smirking at her brothers. They groaned and started talking about exams and all. I was not interested in their conversation because I kept staring at the beauty queen in front of me.


"Yo, Jude, you coming with us?" Arlo asked as we made our way out of the university building. They were heading home, and I just needed to talk to Lexi. I shook my head and walked away from them.

"I will talk to you later. I have something I must do. Don't miss me too much!" I shouted, with my back facing them.

I went to the nearest store to buy aluminum foil and an ice sculpture. My pranks would be epic if Lexi knew how to help. And the ice sculpture would stay in the store until I needed it. After I got everything I wanted, I rushed to the park. When I got there, I saw Lexi and Jess sitting on a bench near the swings. They talked and laughed until a big boy pushed a more petite boy into the sand. Lexi jumped from her seat and ran to the crying child. She held him and glared at the bigger boy, who was almost thirteen. The small boy was nearly five years old.

I was close enough to hear what they were saying. "Why did you do that? Do you know him?" she asked in a pissed-off tone. I knew by now that Lexi could not stand bullies and always jumped to help, and I respected her more for that, but she hid something related to this subject, and I was dying to know.

"Yes, my parents adopted him last year," the big boy stated.

"So, he's your brother!" Lexi stated, already feeling infuriated.

"He's adopted," the boy remarked, and I saw Lexi's lips curve. She had a strong comeback for sure, and I feared for the bigger boy's feelings.

"At least your parents wanted him." I almost said burn. She killed him, but he kind of deserved it. He was mean to his little brother.

"Shut up!" the big boy yelled, feeling frustrated. I grinned and stood next to Jess, where Lexi could not yet see me.

"No, I won't, and you'll listen. You can't treat your little brother like that. He needs a brother figure in his life. I know I do! There will be a time in the future that this little adopted brother will help you and won't hesitate to fight for you. You just need to think outside the box for a minute and get over your jealousy. It will do you no good. Be kind to him. All he needs is for you to show him a little love and kindness. You can't treat him like an outsider when he is family. Maybe your parents adopted him for you so that you won't feel lonely at home. Have you ever thought of that?" she asked after her inspiring short speech, and the bigger boy shook his head and looked at the ground. I could tell that he felt ashamed.

"No... " He sighed. "I'm sorry," he apologized, and she put her hand on his head to make him look at her.

"I'm not the one who needs the apology," she exclaimed and looked at the little boy, who was waiting for his brother's following words.

"Um, ah... I'm sorry, bro," he whispered, but we all heard him. The little boy came closer and hugged him tightly, and I smiled at the scene. Lexi did that.

"Now, go and play together." She kissed their foreheads and turned to us. When she saw me, she smirked. "Now, tell me about your little pranks. I am excited, and I know that you will take revenge on me in the end, but I will take the risk and prank some idiots with you," she said and rubbed her palms together with an evil grin. She was smart, all right!

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