Chapter Twenty One

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It was Friday morning when Arlo and I heard loud knocking on our bedroom door. I did not want to move because it was only seven a.m., and it was logical for me to sleep, so I grabbed my extra pillow and threw it at Arlo. "It's for you. Go and open the door before I kill you and the one who's knocking!" I threatened but kept my eyes closed so the sleep would not go away. You do remember that I have anger management issues, right? I was serious about my threat.

"Ugh! What if it is for you?" he asked, but I ignored him. "Fine... Lex, you sleep on two pillows?" Arlo asked as he handed me my pillow, totally ignoring the knocking. I arched my eyebrows, yet I did not open my eyes.

"Yes, why?" I asked with a tired tone.

"Well, I once read an article about the people who sleep with two pillows, and it turned out that they are psychopaths!" he exclaimed while walking towards the door.

"Okay, but a comfortable psychopath. Now, open the damn door!" I yelled, then covered my head with my blanket. Seconds later, Holden and Jude ran into the room while yelling Theo's name. I sat on my bed and gazed at them with all my might because I was too sleepy. They were looking in every corner of the room. They wore basketball shorts without any tops, which was a pleasant sight for my eyes so early in the morning. But the funny part was that they both had cans of hairspray in their hands. The plot twist was that they were not holding them. The cans were glued to their palms. I wanted to laugh but did not want to be buried alive without brushing my teeth.

"Theo, we know you are in here. We saw you enter the room!" Jude shouted, and I got confused... Was Theo in this room? Since when? And where was — My chain of thoughts was interrupted by someone tapping on my leg. My first instinct was to scream, but then I looked under the bed without anyone noticing and saw Theo. What the actual fudge? He was here.

As I was about to speak with him, he put a finger to his lips, indicating for me to stay quiet. I nodded, then read his lips. ′Get... them... out... of... here′, he said, and I gave him thumbs up. "Theo, get out now," Holden called, and I sighed.

"Clearly, he's not here. Now get out. I need to sleep," I declared calmly, but I was getting angrier by the second. I seriously needed sleep; if I did not get at least seven hours of sleep, I could not function properly the following day, which was not good for many people.

"Not until we find him," Jude replied stubbornly, and he started walking to my bed. He was about to duck, but I screamed loudly for no reason... well, I had a reason. I had to save my brother from the evil best friend. Drama much?

"What is your problem?" Jude asked with an annoyed look as he covered his ears with his fingers. I smirked.

"You. Get out before I scream louder and you stop hearing for the next two days. It's your call, Jude," I pointed out, so he could choose his fate, then looked behind him and saw that Holden was out of the room. "See? Your buddy Holden is smarter than you," I added, then crossed my arms. He eyed me for a while, then ran his hand through his messy hair, making it more chaotic. Hot!

"Ugh, fine, but if you see him, let me know." He finally gave up and turned to walk out of the room; however, karma was a baitch because Theo decided that this was the perfect moment to sneeze. The cliché level was on the roof! Jude stopped and returned to my bed; this time, he ducked faster than I could stop him. "Gotcha!" I looked down and gave Theo a disappointed look.

"Seriously? You had your chance, and you blew it with your sneeze. I tried to help, bro, but it's on you now... get out of here, all of you." I yelled the last part and saw Theo running out of the room with Jude hot on his trail. Kids! I lost half an hour of my sleep.

"Shit," I heard Arlo curse, and I looked at him with a tired expression.

"Now what?" I asked, then fell on my bed and covered my body with my soft blanket.

"I will be late for the first lecture — it starts in twenty minutes. I better get going," Arlo said, and I smiled at his panicked face. It was refreshing to watch. "Goodbye, but when I get back, I will take you out in Milo's car to eat, so be ready by one p.m. Then, we will go and watch Theo's basketball match at two-thirty," he explained, and I nodded.

He left the room after putting on his casual outfit and brushing his teeth. Finally! Some peace. Wait... Theo's basketball game?


"Why do you have a blue bruise under your eye?" I asked Theo as I sat on the couch next to him and Milo. Jude and Holden wore regular clothes now. I did not mind them in their previous ones, though.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask these idiots?" he replied with a scowl, and I looked at the boys.

"We are the idiots? The last time I checked, I wasn't the one who glued our hands with hairspray! You had it coming," Jude replied, and I raised one eyebrow at him.

"So you punched him?" I asked, and Holden shook his head.

"Here's how it happened... When Theo ran out of your room, Jude followed him. They ran through the whole dorm and dropped a couple of things on the way; because of that, Theo tripped to the floor, and soon after, Jude tripped on him at the wrong angle. His elbow hit Theo's face, which caused that blue bruise. The end." Holden explained, and I laughed at their stupidity. "That was my reaction too," he added.

"Man, you are idiots," I remarked, then looked at Theo. "And why didn't you tell me about your basketball match today?" I asked, then waited for him to enlighten me with his great answer. He rubbed the nape of his neck.

"I forgot," was his simple reply. Good enough. 

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