Chapter Thirty Seven

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It was time for my parents to go home, finally. No, wait... not finally. That sounded like I wanted to get rid of them while I wanted them to stay. So, scratch the word finally.

We were at the airport waiting for their flights. Mom was going back to California, and dad was heading to Austria. I was sitting between dad and Theo on the cold chairs. Arlo and Milo are next to mom. Jude came with us... just because. Holden could not tag along because he had a life. So, here we were, fighting over the last macaron. The chocolate one, so it was a big deal. "Come on, guys, I just ate four," I whined in a really annoying voice that made me cringe, and all of them looked at me with judging eyes. "What?" I asked as I crossed my arms with an attitude.

"We only ate two!" my brothers retorted while my parents laughed at us. I looked at Jude for support, only to see him looking at me with a weird expression on his face. He looked cute, by the way.

He came closer and poked my stomach. "How are you so skinny?" he asked after a while of silence, and everyone else nodded in agreement. I just smirked.

"That's a gift. I can eat whatever I want and not gain any fat, although I don't mind a few extra kg. Besides, I'm not that skinny. I have a normal body, at least in my eyes I do," I explained cheerfully because it was fascinating to talk about body types and fats with guys. These days, all you hear from boys are football, Fortnite, stocks, etc...

"You have a beautiful body!" he shouted, clearly without thinking because his following action was slapping his palms to his mouth, and his eyes were wide with fear. My brothers looked at him with murderous glares, and dad was calm. That was not good. Dad was calm! That was definitely not good.

I looked at mom, who was trying to change the topic, and I pleaded with my eyes for her to think faster. "Your dad and I are getting back together!" she remarked loudly, which got our attention. I did not see that coming, and nor did my brothers. I looked at dad to see him with a frown on his face. I arched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Honey, I thought we would wait until I get back from Austria to tell them," he pointed out, and I literally jumped.

"You are joking, right?" I asked, with a glimmer of hope that it was true, as I did not want it to be a joke. They shook their heads to say no, and I screamed. "Yes! Yes! Finally!" I yelled and brought people's attention to my crazy self, but I did not care. My parents were getting back together. Ha, in your face, Taylor Swift.

My brothers and I group-hugged them, and I had tears in my eyes. "I wished for this moment to happen since you walked away!" Arlo commented, and Theo hummed a yes. Milo kissed Mom's cheek and smiled brightly. That was a delightful moment, and nothing could ruin it. Way to jinx it, Lexi.

Jude cleared his throat, and we looked at him. "That's great, guys! I'm very and truly happy for you. I hate to ruin this family moment, but your flights are about to take off," Jude said with a sad smile. My parents nodded, and we bid our goodbyes until next time.


"Did any one of you see that coming?" Theo asked as we were walking to the exit. We shook our heads with smiles, and then I stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked, with concern in his eyes. I rubbed the nape of my neck and laughed.

"I think I drank too much water on our way here. I need a bathroom ASAP," I said, then looked for the bathroom signs. "Wait for me near the chairs, over there. They are close to that bathroom," I instructed and dashed to the bathroom without waiting for their reply. I entered the bathroom and saw that it was empty. No one was in it, and the floor was clean. After I did my business, I walked to the sink and washed my hands.

I was too caught up in what my mom said to notice that someone was standing right behind me. The mirror was next to the sink and not in front of it. Who designed this? Not the time, Lexi. Someone is trying to kill you!

His hands covered my mouth before I could scream. They dragged me to a stall and closed the door. I felt petrified, and my body went numb from the cold feeling that had crept down my spine. I wanted to scream but could not, and his hands tasted sour.

"Well, well, well, you are a beautiful doll, indeed. He was right," the voice said, and it sounded deep. My attacker's hands were cold, and they smelt like alcohol. And what did he mean by he was right? Who was right?

I tried to wriggle my way out of his tight grip, yet he was strong. Stronger than me, at least. "Stop moving. You'll love what I'm about to do to you. I promise!" He whispered in my ear, making me want to puke, and I jerked my head away when I felt his breath tickle my ear. That took him by surprise, and his hand slipped from my mouth. I did not waste a second and screamed as loud as I could.

"Help! Jude. Arl —" Before I could continue, the man closed my mouth with his sticky hand and pulled my hair with his other hand. It hurt, but I did not want to show I was weak. I knew I was weak, but he did not need to know. Like my dad used to say: never show weakness to someone who wants to do something bad to you.

"Just shut up! I told you, you'll feel good after this," he said, and I felt like this was the last day for me to be pure. God, please help...

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