Chapter Thirty One

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"Pizza is a queen!" I stated as we sat in our dorm. My parents went to Jude and Holden's dorm and went to sleep early because they were too tired to stay up at two in the morning. Milo, Theo, Arlo, Jude, Holden, and I all sat on the floor while eating pizza and watching movies. We had classes the next day, but they could not say no to pizza when I requested it. No one could say no.

"Who said pizza is a female?" Jude asked and raised his eyebrows like he actually was offended by my remark. I huffed. I crossed my arms as I put the last piece of pizza in my mouth and ate it fast.

"And who said that pizza is a male?" I sassed back with raised eyebrows, mimicking his actions. He glared at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"She's got the point," Holden pointed out, and I smiled at him. He gets me.

"Why, thank you, Holden. See, Jude, he's not a chauvinist like someone I know!" I said and looked at him with a grin. He sighed and got closer to my side to reach the pizza box in front of me. I stared at his face — that was too close to mine — and waited for him to enlighten me with his reply.

"You girls always turn it on us guys. I never said I was a chauvinist. I simply asked a question about something that bothered me. Girls these days have more rights than us, so stop complaining," he exclaimed in a rather pissed-off tone. You know that switch that decides when you will snap at someone... Well, it just got turned on by an idiot entitled male who was sitting right beside me.

I did what any girl would do in my situation. I jumped and wrestled with him on the floor. He was trying so hard not to touch me, but when I started tickling him, he grabbed my wrists and stopped me. "I swear to God, I'm going to kill you if you don't act like a normal human being," he yelled, and I snapped again. That didn't make sense!

"You did not just threaten me! I will skin you alive, you dimwit," I yelled back and fought in his arms. My brothers were having fun watching us fight until Holden opened his mouth to speak.

"The sexual tension is in the air! Just kiss already!" he said, with a mouth full of popcorn. Our eyes widened, but we stared at each other for seconds. My brothers stood up, walked to us, and lifted me up from Jude. Then, Theo threw me on his shoulder and walked to my room.

"I think it's time for you to get your beauty sleep," he declared in an angry tone. The tone that he used when he was in the overprotective brother mood. I just sighed and didn't bother to fight him off.

"Goodnight, princess. Have good dreams, and we will wake you up at eight because we start classes at nine. Sleep tight," he whispered and kissed my forehead. I wearily nodded and waved my hand. Suddenly, I did not have the power to stand up and change my clothes. I just pulled the covers over my body and closed my eyes. Stupid Jude, why did I feel embarrassed when Holden said that? I don't like Jude... Right?


"And that's what happened yesterday at two a.m." I finished telling Jess what happened with Jude yesterday, and she threw me a wide smirk. I grinned, and we kept on walking to the cafeteria. It was finally lunchtime after long hours of lectures.

"That's my girl. If I was there, oh boy... he'd be ten feet under," she commented, and I laughed. When we got there, we were about to witness something horrible but well deserved. Milo was about to launch at Megan when her brother, Gabriel, slapped her. We sucked in a deep breath and rushed to my brothers' table. We did not say anything; we just listened.

"Enough is enough! I know you're a bitch and chase after men who have girlfriends. I know that you bully the weak. I know that you are a nasty girl jealous of Lexi! Stop playing dirty and act your age, dammit. If I knew that this was how you acted while I was holding grandma's hands on her deathbed, I'd have stayed here to watch you. You are disgusting!" he yelled at her, and you could sense the fury in his tone. And what did I do?

Megan placed her palm on her red cheek and had tears in her eyes. "G-Gabriel, I-" she started but was cut off by her brother.

"No! I don't want to hear your excuses. I've seen enough, and for you to threaten Milo with his sister if he didn't have sex with you was the last straw! I'm disappointed in you, and I feel sorry for the ones who put up with your stupid crap every day. And why? Because you are a selfish bitch who only cares about her freaking damn self. I feel sorry for mom and dad for bearing with you while I was gone."

"Now, you will act your age and go home right this instant. And don't forget that you wanted me to hit an innocent student; I'm glad I never listened to you! But now, you will listen to me and come here only, and only to learn," he shouted in anger, and I felt sorry for him, really. She threatened Milo with me? No wonder he was about to beat her butt, and Milo never laid a hand on a girl. Never.

She sobbed and tried to hug Gabriel, but he pushed her away. "No, until you mature, I will not touch you. Now, go home. I expect you to be there sitting with our parents. I will tell them everything you did so far, and I know a lot," he stated coldly, and she ran away while crying. Wow, that was... something.

Gabriel sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. He looked around him and snapped, "What? Everyone back to their food," he declared, and everyone smiled and got back to doing their business as he said. Gabriel did them a massive favor by scolding the queen bee. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "Lexi, I'm so sorry for that. I promise you, she won't get near you or your brothers ever again. I failed in my role as a brother," he countered, with sadness in his eyes, and I smiled.

"No, you did not. Thank you." That was all I said as I hugged him tightly.

"Don't be so hard on her. Maybe she had her reasons? Listen to her, then you judge," I told him, then he tightened his grip on me, but as he did that, I was ribbed away from his grip only to fall into another death grip that made me relax for some reason. I knew who that scent belonged to. I looked at Jude to see him glaring at Gabriel. He put his hands up in surrender and laughed.

"Don't worry, man, as I said before, I don't like her that way. She's a friend. She's all yours," he defended, and my eyes widened. I quickly turned my head and looked at Jude, who was blushing. It was for a few seconds, but I was sure I saw it. He then covered it with a glare.

When I went to say something, Arlo pulled me away from Jude's grip. I was warm in Jude's arms.

"No! She's not all yours — she's not yours at all. Don't think about it," he clarified, with his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I rolled my eyes, released myself from his grip, and stood next to Jess.

"Shut up, Arlo," Jude hissed while looking at me with an emotion I did not know he could muster. Was it affection? And muster is a funny word. It is like mustard.

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