Chapter Thirty Eight

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We were waiting on the chairs for Lexi while talking about Theo's next game. "I know you'll win," I said, then ruffled my brother's hair. He took my hand off of his hair and sighed. He was worried about it for some reason, and we were cheering for him, trying to lift his mood a bit.

"Thanks, guys. I hope we do. I don't know, but I have that feeling... that something might happen soon. I don't know, maybe it's just from my imagination, but I can't shake it off," he said in an anxious tone, and I understood what he was talking about. I had that feeling too the moment my parents got on their planes. I just pray to God that nothing bad happens.

Jude put an arm around Theo's shoulders and smiled. "Don't worry too much, man. I know you got it. Nothing bad will happen." Jude assured Theo. I nodded, hoping to convince myself, but it was not working.

"Hey, guys, where is Lexi? It's been fifteen minutes, and she said she wouldn't be long...." As those words came out of Arlo's mouth, my vague fears came true. At that moment, we heard a faint scream, and we knew that voice better than our own names.

"Help! Jude. Arl -" she yelled but was cut off shortly. We jumped from our seats and rushed to the girls' bathroom. I bumped into a lady, but I did not bother to say sorry. She will live. I was the first to enter the bathroom, yet I saw no one there. I looked at my brothers and Jude to see them with frightened expressions on their faces. They were scared. I was terrified.

"Lexi!" I called loudly and waited for a reply. Nothing.

"Lexi!" Theo and Arlo called, and Jude opened the doors, one by one, with so much force. After we saw no one in the bathroom stalls, I panicked and started shaking.

"I swear to God, whoever took her will pay for it," I told them, and they nodded in agreement. I looked around and saw a small door at the end of the room with 'Supplies' written on it. We heard a crash and our sister's shaking voice as we approached.

"Get off of me!" she cried in a fragile voice, and I lost all of my senses. I kicked the door open before anyone else could, and we saw my baby sister on the floor trying to fight off a man twice her size trying to strip her clothes from her. He was covering her mouth with one hand, and the other hand was under her shirt, on her chest. I did not think, and I just grabbed him by the neck. As I saw his face, I lost it completely.

All my sanity flew out of the window as I recognized him. My fist met with his teeth so hard that it broke a few of them, and then I punched him in the nose. I had no self-control and did not mind killing him on the spot. He was the same guy that tried to rape the little girl in the mall. He was trying to rape my pure and innocent little sister. I kneed him several times in his private area and then kicked him in the stomach. He cried out in pain, and his tears filled his obnoxious blue face. I grabbed him again by the neck and was about to twist it as the final touch when I felt small, shaking hands around my waist holding me back.

"Stop!" she shouted in a voice filled with agony and sorrow. I loosened my grip and let the bastard fall to the ground while trying to breathe. I took a deep breath and felt sweat covering my whole body. My hair was a mess, but I did not give a shit about how I looked when my sister was about to lose her innocence to the same guy we locked up for the same reason.

"Are you calm now?" she asked in a soothing voice, and I nodded with tears in my eyes. I quickly embraced her tightly and laid my head on the crown of her head. I sniffled back the tears and breathed in.

"I'm s-sorry, I'm truly sorry, baby girl. I-it's my fault. All my damn fault!" I said quietly, and she looked at me in confusion. I sighed, knowing she would not understand until someone told her who that pedophile was.

Lexi crossed her arms around her still-shaking body and raised one eyebrow. "I was almost raped by a total stranger, so how is that even your fault?!" she asked in shock, and I shook my head. I looked at my brothers and Jude and saw them with blank expressions on their faces. They felt guilty too.

"This scumbag is not a stranger to us," I stated in a firm tone, and he looked up to finally meet the eyes of his almost killer. His eyes widened in realization, and I spat at him. "He's a pedophile that we turned in to the police station a few days ago when we were at the mall buying your birthday gift. He was about to rape a twelve-year-old girl, but we stopped him before it could go any further," I explained, and her eyes widened. She looked at him with so much hatred in her beautiful tired eyes. Lexi only hated one person, and we knew who it was since he caused her pain and misery behind our backs. It was hard for her to hate anyone or thing, but I knew this man was added to her hating list. Forever.

"You almost raped a twelve-year-old girl?" she exclaimed and grabbed his hair. He winced in pain, and she scoffed. "Are you out of your freaking damn mind? I thought you tried to do this to me because you were asked to by someone, but you do these things regularly?" she asked angrily, and I frowned at what she said.

"He was asked to do this to you?" I questioned, and she nodded.

"What do you mean?" Jude asked as he stood right beside her. We did not mind his closeness at the moment because we knew he was worried about her too.

"Before he dragged me to this small room, he grabbed me and said, 'you are a beautiful doll. He was right.' He came to me because he knew who I was and not just because he wanted to rape me for his own pleasure," she explained, and I felt myself getting mad again until I saw Arlo grab him by the collar of his shirt.

Arlo looked him dead in the eyes and glared. "I just called the police, and just so you know, you won't be able to get out from jail now even if someone bails you out or tries to bribe whoever got you out in the first place. If you tell us who sent you, you won't die before the police arrive. I guarantee my brother was this close to snapping your neck and sending you to Hell. So, if you'd like to keep living, you better spill and tell us who sent you to do this." Arlo threatened him in a stern tone, and it was silent for a few minutes until the bastard scoffed with a slight smirk.

"You can't kill me. You'd go to jail for the rest of your life and ruin your world. You wouldn't dare do that!" he challenged, and I had a massive smirk. I kneeled down and looked at his broken teeth. His face was a gruesome sight to look at, but I enjoyed my masterpiece.

"Oh, I don't mind going to jail for my little sister who was about to get raped and killed by the pedophile. And if I don't kill you, other prisoners will once they know that you are a pedophile. Trust me, no one likes your type, even criminals. You are the lowest of the low. So, if you do not want me to personally kill you or be the reason you are killed, tell us who hired you!" When he sensed I was not joking, he looked at the ground and spat the blood from his mouth on the floor.

"I don't actually know him. He just met me in prison when you locked me up and paid me a huge amount of money to rape the girl in the picture, and it happened to be your sister," he answered. I clenched my fists so hard that my knuckles turned white. I kicked his hip, and he groaned. "If I recall correctly, his name was Edmund." As soon as the name left his mouth, Theo, Arlo, and I looked at Lexi with wide eyes and in shock. That was right. Edmund was out of jail.

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