Chapter 3: Something to Look At

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Well, turns out there was traffic. By the time we arrived at the airport it was already 9:19, no wait scratch it 9:20.

Actually we arrived 9:07 but Eren had trouble unloading his baggage.

After that we realised the baggage he brought can't be placed in the cabin, and we'd have to put it in the check-in luggage, which sucks even more since we're idiots at these things.

We then figured out Eren had just brought useless junk Ms. Falida had said not to bring.

So long story short, we just ditched 85% of his junk and asked the taxi driver to take it back to the orphanage for an extra 50 bucks.

And that 50 bucks came out of Eren's pockets.

"I can't believe you did that (Y/N)!" Eren wailed, trailing after me and Armin.

"Eren you don't need to bring a blow-up jacuzzi you knuckle head," I snapped. He's been wailing ever since I sent the taxi off, and it's starting to get under my skin.

"And what about my 50 bucks??" He continued, dragging his one suitcase lazily.

"You had enough money to buy a blow-up jacuzzi, 50 bucks should be nothing. Plus it is your stuff."

Eren muttered something I couldn't hear, and I just shrugged it off. Armin, who had been quiet this whole time, finally asked something. "What are we supposed to do?"

"You and Eren, are gonna stay here and keep an eye on my luggage, while I check-in. Tickets please."

Armin handed me the ticket he was already holding on, whereas Eren had to fumble around his pockets to find it.

**Time skip to the waiting room cuz i don know how 2 check in**

"Eren turn the volume down please," I complained as Eren's video game booped in my ears. Eren said nothing, and I realised the booping seemed to get louder. I sighed and closed my eyes, completely shutting out everything around me.

A moment of silence, in absolute darkness.

I mentally smiled, enjoying the peace and quiet until a furious tapping on my shoulder disturbed everything. I opened my eyes to see Armin, looking a bit panicked.

"Um (Y/N), I think our plane's boarding right now. I-I don't know. I wasn't paying attention, I--"

"Calm down Armin," I said gently. Eren's was still playing his video game, and when I looked at the gate screen, it turns out Armin was right. Kyojin Air, flight destination Paradis was indeed boarding at Gate 3.

Every other passenger boarding the plane had just boarded the plane, so I quickly snatched Eren's phone, took Armin's hand and my luggage and just bolted to the gate.

"(Y/N) MY PHONE!" Eren screamed.

"(Y/N) YOU'RE GONNA BREAK MY BONE!! (Hey, that ryhmed)" Armin screeched like a majestic facking eagle.

"(Y/N) MY ASS WE'RE GONNA MISS THE PLANE!" I hollered like an idiot.

I hurled the three of us through the gate, earning a questioning glare from the officer guy. Running passed the buildings and hangars whilst dragging two teenage boys was hella tiring.

We finally reached the weird ass walkthroughable pipe that connects from the building to the plane, just as the pretty flight attendant was doing their final call.

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