Chapter 16: Crush

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I weaved around club booths, turning here and there, not really knowing where I'm going. It was still about an hour less until lunch, and I didn't really want to risk wandering around in the halls, get lost, then caught by my shitty homeroom teacher.

With my hands tucked in my pockets, I slowly walked around aimlessly until a familiar strawberry-blonde haired girl caught my attention.

Oh yeah, I left her in the bathroom today. And I didn't see her in class since it was so crowded.

I lightly tapped her shoulder. "Hey," I greeted.

Petra swirled around to face me, her surprised eyes quickly turning into annoyance. Without saying a word, she punched my shoulder.

I flinched, but then realised it didn't hurt at all. Wow.

"That was for leaving me to go alone on the first day!" She pouted, crossing her arms.

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my shoulder. "Fine, sorry," I said hesistantly. My eyes wandered to the booth Petra was standing in front of. "You're taking dance club?"

A blush appeared on her face as she looked away, embarassed. "I like dancing since I was a kid, okay?"


Petra looked back at me, looking slightly shocked. "You're.... not going to tease me or anything?" She asked tentatively.


I shrugged, confused. "Why would I? It's just dancing, and everyone has some sort of weird secret. Take me for example. I like to have a bubble bath for hours while I imagine myself floating around before I was born." --(can anyone guess the reference?)

Petra's eyes was wide and her mouth was hanging open. "B-but you always finish doing business in the bathroom in less than 30 minutes," she stated with shock.

I gave another shrug. "It's a rare event kinda thing."

Petra gave me an unsure look before turning around with the club leader again. "So, am I officially in?"

The person handed Petra a paper, like mine, but you know, different contents. "You will be after the first meeting. The information's on the paper."

"Okay, thanks," Petra replied, before she turned and whipped an arm around my neck, walking away from booth. "Let's go to the cafeteria (Y/N)."

I stumbled from a rock, staggering with one foot as Petra took her arm off me. "But it's not lunch yet," I protested, giving my foot a shake.

Petra rolled her eyes. "It's fine, sheesh."

I raised an eyebrow but didn't question it any further. As we were walking away from the field to the cafeteria, I saw one hell of an unusual sight.

"Hey, is that Levi?" I pointed, halting to a stop.

Petra stopped beside me. "Huh? Oh yeah..... that is him."

Confusion filled my thoughts. "So, what on earth, is he doing, at. The. Tea. Club?" I asked, emphasizing every word.

"Ah yeah, about that," Petra scratched the back of her head uncomfortably, "Levi has this.... uh..... weird obsession with tea..."

I gave her a deadpanned look. "Seriously? Obsession with tea?"

The girl raised both hands in the air. "No jokes sister. He is obsessed with it. I don't even know why."

I shook my head and continued walking. "You seem to know a lot about Levi, Petra," I commented, not looking at her.

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