Chapter 80: Remember Us

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"You can't go against Kenny, (Y/N). You can't fight the Lord of werewolves."

Erwin stared at me, his eyes filled with untold emotions. "You'll die." His last words came out as a mere whisper, barely audible due to the howling wind.

My gaze darkened at Erwin's words, feeling an overwhelming sense of anger flood through my veins. "Kenny murdered my parents. Killed Eren's father. Slaughtered Ilse. Murdered my innocent Ms. Falida-"

Erwin glanced away. "We don't know about Ms. Falida...."

I paused, dangerous narrowing my eyes until they were nothing but slits. "Are you defending him?"

"No!" Erwin quickly denied, shaking his head vigorously. "Kenny has done many unforgivable things, but as an Alpha.... he is considered one of the best. He... has his own reason for doing the things that he does."

I rolled my eyes, my reply dripping with spite and sarcasm. "Reasons, huh? Yeah, I don't like my ex's husband so I'll just kill him. My ex hates me for killing her husband, guess I'll kill her too. Oh shit, this guy nearly found out the truth about werewolves, let me kill him real quick- do I need to say more?"

Erwin was silenced immediately, looking at the snowy floor with his ears flattened against his head. "I'm sorry," he whispered, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground. "I can't even begin to imagine how much you must hate Kenny for everything he's done to you."

I slackened my clenched jaw and relaxed my shoulders, listening silently as Erwin continued. "I... want to be able to feel what you feel. But... I can't help it. I can't help trying to defend him."

"Because he's your Alpha Lord, or whatever you guys call him," I finished off bitterly.

"Yes. We're obligated to respect him and obey his every word." Erwin slowly brought his eyes back to mine, a pained expression clouding his blue orbs. "We can't fight a Lord's command, (Y/N)."

Erwin's voice trembled as the following words tumbled from his lips. "If Kenny orders me to do anything, I... I won't be able to disobey him."

I stared intently at his clouded eyes, feeling a sense of horror and dread rise from the deepest pits of my stomach. "...Anything?"


Even without asking, I understood what he meant. Though Erwin is an Alpha, it seems Kenny is positioned higher than him in their hierarchy. What an Alpha Lord says, goes. He must obey any order given to him.

"You don't have to worry," I muttered after some time, breaking my eye contact with Erwin as I stared into the distance.

Confusion replaced the previously troubled gaze of Erwin's deep sea orbs. "What do you mean?"

I stood up, licking my cold and frozen lips, pausing to ruffle the puzzled man's soft blonde locks. "I'll kill Kenny before he can do anything to you or anyone else again. That's a promise."

Erwin's features immediately hardened as he caught my hand, engulfing it with his huge one. "(Y/N) no!" His voice cracked, sounding rough and hoarse. "I told you, Kenny will kill you!"

I snatched my hand away, holding back a snarl. "Not if I kill him first."

Erwin reached for my hand, holding it less harshly then before as he rose to one knee. "(Y/N) please... You don't understand how powerful Kenny is. He'll kill you before you can take a step towards him; that's how dangerous he is!"

"Let go of my hand Erwin."

Erwin eased his grip even more, but still kept hold a few of my fingers, caressing them as softly as a feather would. "I know you hate Kenny. I know how much you want your revenge. But if things failed and you lost your life to him, what would happen to the people around you...? What will happen to Levi-"

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