Chapter 55: Meeting

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This is using the um.. Australian season thing? So yeah, winter's in the middle of the year.


It was already pretty crowded by the time me and Petra reached the main hall. We stuck around the edges, avoiding the middle spots since we'd probably drown in the crowd if we do.

"Just what the hell do they want to tell us?" Petra muttered, almost to herself, but surprisingly, I caught it.

More footsteps came from the entrance and I glanced back, meeting Ymir and Krista.

"Hi," I greeted them.

"Hello (Y/N). I'm so glad you made it back safe and sound." Krista gave me a smile, and dear lord, it was so sweet my eyeballs nearly got diabetes.

"Hey (Y/N). I'm uh.. sorry for you loss," Ymir said, scratching the back of her neck.

I nodded. "Thank you."

Soon after, I heard someone doing a quick mic check, before finally, a voice told us all to settle down.

Surprisingly, it was the principal that was going to give the announcement.

Why did I say 'surprisingly'?

Well, for most of the time, the principal relays his messages to his staff members. It's honestly a rare sight to see him actually come down from his office.

"Good morning, seniors of Wings Senior High. First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming here so early in the day, and on such short notice."

Multiple students muttered complaints to his words.

"Without further ado, let us inform you of what's going to happen."

The principal took a deep breath before continuing. "As you all know, Wings Senior High is known for it's infamous expeditions. You all have gone into an expedition in your first year studying on these grounds."

Flashes of the expedition in Rose Lake passed by my eyes, making me give a small shudder.

"In this final year, you will be taken in an expedition in the middle of the year, where the winter storms are harshest. You will all be camping out for 2 months at the hill of Mount Maria. And during those two months, you will be hiking to the peak of Mount Maria."

Shocked exclamations erupted from the students gathered, their voices filled with anger and fear.

"We'll die doing that!"

"That's impossible!!"

"Are you trying to kill us?!"

"QUIET!" Shadis ordered, his voice so loud and strong it made everyone silent.

"We know that this is going to be hard, physically and mentally. And that's why we decided to have a parent-teacher conference about this. We will fly your parents and/or guardian to Paradis. The meeting will be held in three days. We have informed this to you parents or guardians a day before."

"What if they can't come?!" A student shrieked out.

"Then we will bring someone they trust to come. Or, if they truely cannot come, then we will send a staff member to them, and let them view the meeting via online."

"That's insane," Krista murmured, her eyes wide with shock.

"Yeah," Ymir snorted, "Where are they getting the fundings for this?"

"Maybe they've got themselves a sponsor?" Petra suggested.

"Well then they're wasting their money on uneeded things instead of improving the school's facilities," Ymir snapped.

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