Chapter 84: White

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Everything flashed before me in a hazy blur. I can feel the wind rushing on my face as I sprinted away, fading footprints being my only lead to whatever lies before me.

Energy surged through the fibres of my muscles as my heart began pumping blood into my veins faster. My lungs heaved for air as my body started to lack the oxygen it needed due to my sudden physical exertion.

I clenched my teeth, preparing myself both physically and mentally for what's to come. It cannot be avoided. Not anymore.

Too many lives have fallen because of him, and many more will fall if I don't stop him now. I am aware that he's considered the most powerful werewolf there is since he is an Alpha Lord; a somewhat leader to all werewolves. But like Eren said previously, I am one too.

Granted, I never really knew for sure that I was also an Alpha Lord until a few moments ago. Granted, I've never transformed into a wolf ever before. Heck, I just found out that damn voice's name. Granted, I know nothing about werewolves or real combat at that, even with my experience with martial arts.

This isn't some training partner, dummy or a wooden board. This is a being who's existence is considered to be a myth. Something that never existed. This is a real fight, and I sure will die if I don't play my cards right.

Hence why a part of me relies solely on the mysterious voice-... or should I say wolf, that lives within me. I could feel Ziahra's anxiety and restlessness, it's emotions mixing with my own. Even so, there's no going back now.

Everything Kenny has done up until now.... is beyond everything. And now, he will pay with his life.

I halted abruptly upon seeing the sight in front me. The land sloped down slightly, the snow thinning and replaced stones and rocks, only to be cut off harshly at the very edge. Beyond that edge, I see nothing but thick white fog. There was no doubt in my mind.

That was what everyone had been warning us about. The cliff on our lane.

And standing at a good distance away from it was two figures. I glared down at the taller one, instantly recognizing the form of Kenny.

From what I could see, he stood with his back facing me, his shoulders slack and relaxed as he stared at the edge of the cliff. His casual posture was the polar opposite of the person standing beside him, which I guessed was Levi.

He stood beside Kenny, his body stiff, rigid and completely unmoving. He didn't react one bit to anything, even when Kenny harshly punched the side of his face. My eyes widened at the sudden brash action, clenching down my jaw as much as it allowed.

I watched in disbelief as Levi straightened himself once more and bowed his head towards Kenny. There were no traces of annoyance, hate, or even anger. There was just absolute obedience.

"Levi..." My eyes narrowed down to slits as I focused the full extent of my fury on the smiling Ackerman.


Anxiety glittered along with fresh tears in Hanji's brown orbs as she gazed at the direction (Y/N) ran to. She unconsciously held Erwin closer to her chest for comfort, her body shivering from the cold and her emotions.

"M-Mikasa..." She whispered shakily, bringing her clouded eyes to the panicked looking raven haired girl. Mikasa glanced at Hanji, eyes wide with worry. Hanji nodded towards the direction of the footprints. "Go... after her. Help her." Hanji paused, swallowing harshly. "...Save her."

Mikasa furrowed her eyebrows. "But, what about you?"

Hanji gave a weak smile, blinking away her tears. "I'll be fine," she partially lied. "Go."

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