Chapter 60: Whispers

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I squeezed the ball in my hand, feeling it flatten under my grip.

Just as I was about to leave, Shadis threw a stress ball to my head and told me, "Don't you fucking kill him."

I released my grip and let out a heavy puff of air. I was nearly stomping through the halls and down the stairs.

I squished the stress ball, matching with my harsh breathing.

Honestly, it takes quite a lot to make me this furious. Most of the time, I really do try my best to control it.

But with the stress of Levi and Erwin piling up on me, added with the blonde idiot's lies, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

What annoys me most, is instead of being completely mad and filled with the need to strangle someone, I ended up shedding tears.

Fuck me. I just can't control it, my eyes would get blurred by my tears, but swear I really don't feel like I'm crying.

Fuck you hormones.

I wiped my eyes as I reached the final stretch to the infirmary room. I took a deep breath in an attempt to slightly calm myself down. As much as how angry I am, there was a sick person in here. And I was not going to be that person who just makes a ruckus in front of a sick person.

I opened the door, and once again, the flames I had tried so hard to tame exploded  once more.

There was no one at the infirmary.

I screamed my frustration and threw the stress ball in my hand as hard as I can, hearing it zip through the air and crashing on one of the windows.

The window didn't break, but despite the balls soft and squishy texture, there was still a small crack formed on the glass.

I slumped to the floor, feeling a wave of mixed emotions engulfing me. I grit my teeth, holding back the sobs I had never asked for.

My head hung low in defeat and utter stress. I just wanted to help.


Why is it so hard for me to help someone I care about?

I just wanted to make sure he was fine.

That's all.... I wanted.

All of a sudden, a piercing pain shot through my head, making me gasp in surprise.

Sinister whispers filled my thoughts, and I couldn't make them go away.

You're right. You're friends are nothing but liars. You don't need them.

I let out a small groan of pain, trying to block out the whispers, but it was no use.

All you wanted to do was help them. That's all you wanted. Yet they made sure you didn't.

That's.... not true. They must've.....

Must've what?

I felt it's cold sneer, sending a shiver down my spine.

They want to get rid of you. They don't need you. They don't appreciate you.

N-no.... stop....

Stop denying the truth, young one. You have much to learn of the world. I don't have much time left, but you must uncover the truth. I will help you.

You will...?

Yes. I respect you, young one. I can help you. All you need to do is accept my offer. Accept me.

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