Chapter 72: No Matter What

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I opened my eyes to a sight so beautiful, it had me lost for words. Levi's head rested on the side of my pillow, facing me. His eyes were closed, his face as peaceful as ever.

My gaze travelled to my hand that was still in Levi's grasp, held closely to his face. I watched in silence as Levi's eyelids fluttered open, as he stared at me with those mesmerizing steel-blue eyes.

"Slept well?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

I smiled, and gave him a small nod. It was only 2-3 hours, but it was the best sleep I've had in the past week.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind. "Levi, did you stay here this whole time?"

Levi's gaze softened, as he responded with a nod. "I already told you, I'll be right here beside you."

My heart skipped a beat at his words, and began racing faster as he brought my hands to his lips for a gentle kiss. "Always."

We gazed at each other in silence, for what must've felt like the longest time in my life. It's been so long since I've felt such comfort within someone's presence, the last person probably being Ms. Falida.

I brought my other hand to cup his, this time, bringing it close to me. "Thank you," I whispered out, feeling my heart pounding against my ribs.

Levi nodded again, tightening his hold on my hand. "Anytime, brat."

If given the chance, I would've wanted us to stay together like this for as long as we can. But of course, apparently it wasn't the time yet.

My stomach growled, making me blush in embarrassment, whereas Levi's eyes simply shone with amusement. I cursed under my breath as Levi smirked and stood up, offering a hand to help me up.

"You haven't eaten since the morning. It's past noon now. Let's go get something to eat."

I grumbled in agreement, heaving myself off the bed with Levi's help. As I stood in front of him, I couldn't help but notice one thing. "Did you grow taller?"

Levi shot me a questioning look, and I looked at him from top to bottom. "Cause I swear, I was basically the same height as you before."

Levi shrugged nonchalantly, but as he turned around I heard him mutter under his breath. "Thank God."

I smirked, trailing behind him. "I'm glad short stuff's finally earning a few inches."

"Last time I looked," Levi said, a hint of a snarl in his voice. "You're shorter than me."

I huffed, quickly racking up a come back. "Yeah, well, short girls are cute."

Levi narrowed his eyes, a smirk slowly forming on his lips. "Can't argue with that. Now come on, I'm hungry."


I was surprised Eren and Mikasa was still inside the cabin. We ate together, before Levi explained that it was Eren's turn to stay in the cabin with me.

After we finished eating, Levi and Mikasa headed out, leaving me alone with Eren.

Now that I think about it, it's been quite a long time since me and Eren hung out, jut the two of us. I still get brief flashbacks about Eren's sudden change of personality a while back, and ever since then I was a bit wary of him.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Eren asked suddenly, making me slightly jerk in surprise.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it has."

Eren was facing the window as he spoke to me, his voice unusually steady and calm. "I know we meet everyday, but it feels like we haven't hung out in months."

"I suppose... we've just been hanging out with other people a lot more often."

Eren turned to me, giving a small nod. "I hang out with Mikasa and Armin, and you hang out with Petra... and Levi."

"Sorry," I apologized, shuffling uncomfortably in my seat.

"For what?"

"Ever since Ms. Falida left us... I promised that I would stay close to you and Armin. But now, it just feels like... we're drifting further apart." I stayed quiet for a moment, before quickly adding, "Also, thank you for your pep talk the other day. I really appreciate it."

Eren looked at me straight in the eyes. "Anything for you. And (Y/N), it's not your fault. If anything... it feels like it's mine."


Eren ran a hand through his hair. "I know I haven't been the best person lately. And... I'm also so sorry for the way I acted towards you before. I was just in a mess, and I don't know--"

I placed my hands on his shoulders, stopping him. "Hey! It's okay. Don't beat up yourself over it."

Eren stared at me, his turquoise colored eyes clouded as he searched for something in my eyes. In the end, he lowered his head, resting it on my shoulder.

"(Y/N)," he mumbled, and I hummed in reply.

"You're my sister right? Even though, we're just kids who were so unfortunate that we never got adopted, but you're my sister, right?"

"Of course," I replied straight away, bringing a hand to gently stroke his head.

"Even if anything happens... you'll still be my sister right? You won't leave me... or Armin?"

I softly pushed Eren back, meeting his eyes. "Eren. I don't know why you're asking me these questions. I don't know what you're thinking that makes you ask me these questions. But I promise you one thing. Whatever happens, I promise, I will always be your sister. I swear over my heart, I will always help you with anything I can. No matter what."

There was a small pool of tears at the edge of Eren's eyes as he gulped. "No matter what?"

"No matter what."

Eren nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "Alright. Thank you."

Eren wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him small pats on his back.

Concern filled my mind. It was very unlike Eren to suddenly act like this. Asking me if I will always be his sister? In all my life, he's never asked me this question.

Dread filled my thoughts as I slowly came down to a conclusion. Eren... he must've already read his father's notes. Meaning, he already knows everything about werewolves.

His sudden doubt about me is unsettling. Does he know about KAM? Does he know what really happened to his father? What did he read in there? My thoughts wandered back to the piece of paper I stole from Eren all those months ago.

Does he know I took it from him? Has he found out that a page is missing? Did he already tell someone about it, or is he keeping it a secret to himself?

Thousands of questions invaded my mind, making my stomach churn in anxiety. Just what exactly does Eren know?

All of a sudden, I felt a thorn of pain struck my head, a menacing whisper filling my ears.

The boy knows the information they've been keeping away from you. Your answers are right in front of you.

I grit my teeth in pain, pushing myself away from Eren and bringing my hands to grasp my throbbing head.

I can easily make him tell you, young one. All you have to do, is listen to my voice.

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