Chapter 8

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I sit in front of Brandon cross legged on my bed. I invited him inside so he could relax a little before he tells me everything. He is laying back against the head board with his legs hanging off of the side.

"You're ready to hear this sweetheart?" He sighs, running his hand across his face as if the thought of me knowing this will flip my world upside down.

"Yep, now get to talking before I smack you for stalling.." I say seriously.

"OK, where to start, so I didn't realize my boss was going to randomly show up today so I'm sorry for earlier. And as for the cut on my lip, well, boss don't like it when any of us get distracted by anything. So he reminds us of what he is capable of."

"You're working around something bigger, just spill it already then feed me the details Brandon."

"OK, ok, well here it goes. I'm in a gang.." he says as fast as he can. I look at him funny before I start laughing.

It's now his turn to look at me funny, I am laughing so hard there are tears in my eyes. I stand up off the bed and walk out of my room and go down stairs to the kitchen still laughing. I grab a glass out of the cabinet and pour myself some water. As I slowly drink my water leaning against the island in the middle of the kitchen, I watch Brandon walking towards me.

"Are you done laughing?" He says with a frown. I simply nod, he sighs again looking around.

"OK, so as I was saying I'm in a gang, I have been in this gang since I was fifteen. Boss knew my father before he died, my father trusted him and when my father died boss got custody of me. My mom died when I was born. Boss refused to let me just be a normal teen, no he said if he had to take care of me then I had to work for what he gave me. Most people would have to do chores, for me I had to sell and buy drugs. Guns. And sometimes when it called for it I even had to take care of people. Which was more times then I would like to admit." He looks at me his eyes searching my face.

"What do you mean take care of people?" I look at him, already knowing the answer but not wanting to face the reality of it.

He walks around the island and stands in front of me, he searches my reaction to him now that I know, but he doesn't scare me. He realizes that as he lifts his hand to my cheek, rubbing his thumb gently across my skin. I look up at him, his eyes are stormy.

"Are you afraid of me now?" He whispers.

"Well, despite the fact that I just met you this morning, and you some how managed to be my first friend here, and the guys are pretty cool too. And you just dropped the bomb on me that you are in a gang and have killed people?" I say, making him sweat,"No, I'm not afraid of you at all.."

He sighs a breath of relief, and pulls me into him wrapping his strong arms around me.

Oh my goodness he smells wonderful!

"Why thank you gorgeous." He grins down at me, I blush deeply.

"I don't know what you are talking about.." I say laughing, at the fact I said he smelled good out loud. He is about to say something when my phone rings. It's a restricted call, I have a feeling I know who it is.

"What do you want marcus?!" I yell into the phone. Brandon looks at me with wide eyes.

"Baby, I need you.. I-im in love with you-u.. marry me, and have my babies.." Marcus stutters into the phone, he is drunk off his ass.

"You want me to take care of it, beautiful?" Brandon says, smirking slightly. I just nod and hand him the phone.

"Hey is this Marcus?"

"Uh yeah, who is this? Put my wife back on the phone.."

"No can do buddy, she is currently relaxing after a long night with a man that knows how treat a beautiful woman like Ashton. And that doesn't involve cheating on her with an easy piece of ass, because you couldn't wait for this beautiful rose to open up. Do her a favor, and don't ever call her again. Because believe me if you do you will regret it, I'm not one to mess with." Brandon says, hanging up before Marcus can reply.

"A long night huh?" I ask, he blushes slightly.

"Well, I had to come up with something. So, I gotta go for the night Niko, if you need me I'm just a phone call away." He leans towards me and kisses the top of my head making me blush.

"You're such a wonderful distraction, Ashton." He whispers before walking out the front door.

I shiver slightly, what is happening to me.

I run up stairs and get ready for bed, when I am finally laying in bed I grab my phone and flip through Instagram. I have three new follow requests.

@dyl.pickle67 wants to follow you
@letmeseeyouTT wants to follow you
@seabass10 wants to follow you

Hmm, I wonder who these three could be, I laugh at the usernames. I accept their requests, and follow them back. The only one that doesn't have a million pictures of his abs on the profile is Dylan. But he still has some on there.

I scroll down my feed and see a picture of Brandon laying back in bed with a smile on his face. It's the caption though that gives me butterflies.

The moment that you find something that gives you a smile, don't ever let it go. Keep it safe, cherish it, and give it love, for it is as delicate as a butterfly. I may have found mine..

I grin slightly, realizing that maybe just maybe this will turn into something great. I look at the comments, an burst out laughing.

I'll be at the wedding bro!!

I will name your children!

Bro! You are falling!!


Aww, who is your butterfly?

I comment the reply before I have time to second guess it. Two minutes later, my phone buzzes with a text.

Brandon: you are my butterfly..

Me: hmm, how are you so sure?

Brandon: don't worry someday soon, I'll make you my girl 😘

Me: hmm, we will see about that. 😋

Brandon: goodnight beautiful

Me: goodnight handsome

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