Chapter 38

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"Welcome back class, I hope you all had an exciting weekend. I know I did.. Now pull out your books and turn to page seventy six." Cole says, as he stands in front of the class staring at me and Vinny with a slight smirk on his face.

I feel something hit the side of my head and realize it's a wadded up piece of paper. I look up to find Dakota smirking at me. I look on the other side of me and find Vinny reading the assignment. I pick up the piece of paper, and unravel it.

Who is the hotty beside you? Can I have his number?

I laugh out loud at the note and decide to give her a phone number.

I throw the paper back at her and she smiles before pulling her phone out and texting the number. It doesn't take long before she gets a reply and she smiles. I look back at Vinny as he continues to do his assignment. All the while Dakota never notices the fact that it's not Vinny she is texting.

After our first half of classes me and Vinny meet up with Dylan and Sebastian for lunch. As we get our food and sit down I hear a high pitched voice walking towards our table.

"Hey baby, so you where did you want to meet up after school?" Dakota looks at Vinny as she leans onto the table beside him, looks at her funny before he wraps an arm around me.

"Ashton baby, where did you want to go after school?" Vinny asks, looking directly at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Hmm, I'm thinking ice cream. Maybe you could get the guy you are texting to take you to get ice cream too, Dakota! Then it could be a double date! Oh my God that sounds so cute!" I say fanning my self dramatically.

"You are dating this cow?" Dakota says ignoring me, and instead puts her hand on her hip as she questions Vinny.

"Look, I don't know who you think you are talking to but for one. Don't you ever call my girlfriend a cow, my girl is the most beautiful girl in this school. And even if we weren't together I wouldn't drastically lower my standards to be with someone that is obviously so insecure that they have to try to humiliate other people, so they can make them feel better about themselves. So please, turn around and walk the other way before I let my girl put you in check."

Dakota looks at Vinny, before she finally picks her jaw up off of the floor and turns and walks away.

"Man, that was gold!" Dylan high fives Vinny making us all laugh.

"No one is going to call my girl anything bad and get away with it." Vinny leans over and kisses me on the cheek, my cheeks heat up as I look up at him.

"I want ice cream.." Sebastian pouts, I laugh and pinch his cheek.

"We will get you ice cream Seabass.." He laughs, and I start to miss the other two. Our group isn't whole with out Brandon and Travis.

"Can we go see the boys after ice cream?" I fiddle with the spaghetti on my plate waiting for Vinny to answer.

"Actually I'll have them meet us at the ice cream shop. They managed to get the doctors to release them, Travis let me know about an hour ago." Vinny says as he munches on some fries.

"Those two are way to stubborn for their own good." I laugh.

When lunch is over we go back to class and finish out the school day.

When the bell rings signaling the end of school Vinny grabs our stuff and throws it in his locker. I done all of my homework in class, so I wouldn't have to take any time away from Vinny.

"Hey Vinny, Ashton can I talk to the both of you before you go?" I turn and find my mom and Cole standing behind us.

"Yea sure, whats up?" Vinny asks curiously.

"Let's go into my office.." My mom says, we all follow her into her office. When we get into the office my mother turns around and looks at all of us.

"Look there is more that I need you all to know, and I know I can trust your family, Vinny, that is why I am telling you. And Ashton honey there is so much more to this than you thought." She looks at me as she finishes, and my stomach sinks. "I am one of the top three strongest gang leaders in the state.. I go by Nikolis you most likely have heard of me, but the members of my are the only faces anyone has ever seen. I sent my boys to your father to try to recruit the young boys in James Preston's gang, although it created quite the scuffle, I realized that there are some weak points in that gang that are strong points for me. Well today I found a couple of kids that are going to a party Friday night, and there is a source that is going to be there. The source has something that is crucial to us taking Preston down. This isn't about me wanting revenge against this bastard, its about the fact that too many innocent families, men, women, even children have been killed by him."

"So what is it that this source has that can take down Preston?" Cole asks, his jaw is set and you can see the concentration on his face.

"I was told by one of my sources that the person is practically a ghost, they are always in the back ground when something goes down, they know everything that could possibly break a person. But most importantly, they are the only one that has been able to scare Preston."

"So I'm guessing you need one of us to go after the guy?" I look at my mom, she grinds her teeth as if she really doesn't want to admit to the answer.

"My sources told me there is only one person he will talk to.."

"Who is that one person?" Vinny asks looking at me before looking back at my mom.

"The only person he will talk to is.. Ashton." My mom spits the words out as if they were poison, and something tells me that I have met this person before. How else would they ask for me, or for that matter how else would they know me.

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