Chapter 48

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Vinny's POV

I sit in the hospital chair, and wait for the doctor to come out. Cole is sitting beside me, and we both look like crap. Cole has some bruises, but luckily that's all. I feel my lip, and the swelling has gone down some although the rest of my body hurts.

"I'm sure she is fine Vinny, it will be alright.." Cole whispers.

Soon we see a doctor walking towards us.

"Are you Vinny?" He says to me and I nod, "she is ok, she was just severely dehydrated. And due to her being pregnant it made it worse. She is awake if you want to see her."

I follow the doctor and so does Cole. When we get to her room we walk in and find her rubbing her belly. I smile, as my heart swells with love for this beautiful girl in front of me. She looks up leaving her hand on her belly, she gives me a small smile. She is very pale, and has an IV in.

"I'm so sorry this happened baby, I shouldn't have let you go through with it. And I swear if I ever see that piece of sh-" I start to say but she cuts me off.

"Vinny I'm fine, I don't want to talk about the party ok? I'm thankful he or she is ok.. I'm also glad you two are fine.. I have been worried ever since I woke up.." she whispers the last part, and I walk over to the bed, and sit beside her pulling her into my side. She lays her head against my shoulder as I lay my hand on her belly.

"This is gross.. there is to much love in this room." Cole gags, and leans against the wall.

"Shut up Cole, your just mad because you want a hug." Ashton laughs, I stand up and start walking towards Cole.

"Aww I'll give Cole a hug.." I say in a baby voice making Ashton laugh. Cole isn't amused as he begins to hold his hand out to stop me.

"No get away I don't want to get your cooties.." Cole start to back away towards the door, but someone the door opens quickly and Brandon is standing on the other side. My smile drops, and I get ready for Brandon to try something. Cole stands beside me, ready to break up a fight if he has to. Brandon shakes his head as he walks in.

"I'm not here to fight, I came to check on Ashton. I was at the party I didn't know you all were there until I saw you carrying her out. I called Travis and he told me to wait until I knew for sure you all brought her here.. I also owe you an apology. I'm sorry about before.." he says holding a hand out, I shake it quickly before walking over and sitting beside Ashton again.

"I'm sorry too, I understand why you did it.." I say.

"Is no one going to apologize to me?" Ashton laughs, and I smile at her.

"I'm sorry your highness, is there anyway I can make it up to you?" Brandon says bowing down to her.

"I could really use some ice cream right now.." she smiles, and It's that smile that makes me realize why everyone loves her.

It makes me realize why I am the luckiest guy in the world

                       Travis's POV

I lift the weights up, and it feels good. I feel all of my muscles pull before I drop the weights on the floor.

I think about the call I got earlier from Brandon. It's been atleast three hours since he saw Vinny carrying Ashton out of the party. I want to go to the hospital to see her, but I just want to see her. I like Vinny he is a nice kid, but I still wish she was my girl. Brandon is supposed to call and let me know what happened.

I grab my phone and decide to call him instead. He takes forever to pick up, but when he does I hear everyone laughing.

"Hey T, you coming to the hospital?" Brandon says, and he sounds happy.

"I'll be there in a few, did you find out what happened?" I ask, wiping the sweat from my body with a towel. I hear Brandon excuse himself.

"It was Marcus, her ex. He had his friends jump Vinny while he went after Ashton, she fought him off the best she could but he tried to force himself on her. He was at the party with Dakota. Vinny got to them before Marcus got her, but she passed out.." he says his voice changing dramatically.

"Where is he now?" I ask, my voice turning to stone.

"I don't know T, the only one that probably knows is Dakota.."

I roll my eyes, really not wanting to talk to the girl that ruined my family. Although it was my dad that did, she didn't help it. I haven't seen him since the day I found them in the living room of my house. She wasn't even of age, although it was consensual it still disturbs me.

"Travis, you don't have to do this.." I hear Brandon say on the other end but instead I hang up and grab my shirt before grabbing my keys. I walk out of the gym and go to the house that the party was at. Dakota always stays at the party's as late as she possibly can. It's almost two in the morning so she should still be there.

When I get to the house I see that there are still plenty of people. I walk inside and find her immediately, and luckily I don't have to even speak to her, as the person I am looking for is grinding against her. His lip is bruised and his head is swelled slightly around the temple. I walk up to the two disgusting people in front of me and tap Marcus on the shoulder. He turns around looking at me funny before he recognizes me.

"We need to have a little talk Marcus."

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