Chapter 40

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I watch from the street outside of the ice cream shop, they are all laughing and smiling together. I almost laugh at how ironic it is that all of these boys are sitting here because of her. It's amazing that she is so blind, she hasn't noticed me in the back ground. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, I pull out the small touch screen and hit the answer button.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, I turn and start walking down the street. Disappearing again.

"Hey man, that girl is here to see you.. you know the blonde one that tried to sleep with you a couple weeks back. She is asking about getting more stuff."

"Tell her to go somewhere else, I help people have a good time. I don't help them with addictions.." I say before hanging up the phone.

I continue to walk down the street passing by multiple stores before I finally see the familiar house. I walk up the steps of the front porch, and knock on the door. I watch the door slowly open, and see a little girl with curly red hair pop her head out.

"Daddy! Momma it's daddy!" She screams before she runs at me.

"Hey baby girl, how are you doing?" I kiss my little girl on the forehead, and laugh as I ruffle her hair.

"You know she has been asking about you all week.." I watch as the older woman walks out of the house.

"I'm sorry I have been really busy this week. Thank you for taking care of her Manda, I don't know what I would do without you."

"Well, she thinks I am her momma, I have tried to stop her from saying it. But she is to much like her momma, doesn't listen."

"Yes, I have been thinking about her alot lately.. she would be so amazed at how much Cassie looks like her.." I whisper, as I look at my little girl and see her mother in her eyes.

"Who are you talking about daddy?" She pouts, sticking her bottom lip out.

"I'm talking about your momma baby, she was such a beautiful woman. And one day you will grow up and look just like her." I pinch her cheek making her giggle, I kiss her on the cheek before I sit her down.

"You might want to go, they will be sniffing around here soon. I don't want to see you get hurt again, not after what happened.. I already lost my daughter, I can't lose you too.  I can't explain to Cassie why she doesn't have either of her parents.." Manda whispers so only I hear.

"Thank you Manda, I promise one day I won't have to hide anymore.. one day I will be able to take him down, and that day should be coming soon." I say before I turn and walk away from the house, listening to my little girl cry for me.

Ashton's POV

I look out the window as I feel someone staring at me, there is no one there.

"We might want to get you home Ashton, you gotta do your home work." Vinny says, referring to starting the defense training. 

"Yea, I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I say to the guys, and they all nod as me and Vinny stand up and walk towards the door.

Instead of going to my house we go to Vinny's, Cole said he was going to meet us there. We walk into his house and I am ambushed by Vinny's mother. She squeezes me tightly, before holding me at arms length.

"Dear I have been so worried about you! How is your head?" She practically yells, and I can't help but laugh.

"I'm doing fine Mrs Black, luckily I had your son to take care of me." I say making Vinny blush.

"Is he treating you right sweetheart? Tell me if he isn't, I didn't raise no fool so he better not be acting like one.." she looks at Vinny seriously, and he widens his eyes.

"He treats me perfectly, you definitely raised an amazing guy Mrs Black.." Vinny smiles at me after I finish, and his mom smiles at us.

"Cole is waiting out back for you two.." she says still smiling as she turns and walks away.

I follow Vinny outside, and find Cole sitting on a lawn chairs next to the pool. He has his back to us and I notice his phone and his wallet lying on the ground next to him. Almost as if he is waiting for me to push him into the pool, I look at Vinny and he is standing back smirking. I quietly walk towards Cole, but quickly drop my phone and keys onto the grass just in case he tries to throw me into the pool. As I get closer to him I can hear a faint snore, I almost laugh as I realize he is asleep. I quickly grab on to the chair and begins to push it forward, he is about to fall into the pool before he jumps up and grabs me around the waist and throws me in.

When I resurface I can hear Vinny and Cole laughing. I swim to the edge of the pool and pull myself out of the water. I look at both of the guys in front of me, and decide to play it cool. I slowly walk to them as I shake some of the water out of my hair. I look over at Cole as I stand in front of them.

"So is that the start of my defense training?" I smile sweetly at Cole.

"Rule number one, never take the easy attack." He says acting cocky, he doesn't realize it until it's to late.

I sweep my leg out and hook it around his ankle making him fall back on to the grass very quickly. He looks up at me before he starts laughing.

"Rule number two, always pay attention to your surroundings.." I smile, making Vinny laugh.

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