Chapter 53

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"Ashton I'm so sorry about Vinny.." I hear Damian say as I get out of the car. He runs up to me and pulls me into his arms, I don't fight it. I just want to go into my room and go to sleep.

"Thanks, where is that girl?" I ask remembering the girl he brought with him the last time I seen him.

"Paisley is at her house, I can't really be around her much so our father doesn't find out about her.." he says, and I can see how sad this makes him.

"So did you only hear about Vinny? Or did you hear the rest of the news?" I say, and I can feel my anger build. I feel Cole get closer to me, and I almost snap at him but instead I hold it in.

"What other news?" Damian whispers.

"I'm going to be a mom, my baby isn't going to have a father, and the sick bast are who done this was at the funeral today and I couldn't do anything about it!" I yell, and I can't do anything but run past Damian and into my house. I run upstairs, and into my room slamming the door behind me. I go over to the window, and I watch as Damian and Cole both walk inside. I soon hear foot steps as I let myself break down. I lean back against the wall and slide down hitting the floor with a soft thump. I watch as my door slowly opens. I watch as both men walk over to either side of me and sit down beside me.

"You aren't alone Ashton.." Damian says quietly, and I let out a sob.

"We are all here for you, your our family.." Cole says, and I hold my hand over my stomach.

"You know he was going to propose.." I say, pulling the ring off of my finger.

Damian and Cole don't say a word. They know there is nothing they can say to fix this. I look over at Cole, and I watch the tears streaming down his face. I look over at Damian and he wraps an arm around me holding me to him tightly.

"We will get who ever done this.. I promise." Damian says, and I cry into his chest.

"Yes, we will.." Cole whispers, before wrapping an arm around me as well.

That's how I fall asleep, crying in the arms of two people that love me.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, and I throw my phone across the room. I don't hear it land so I bolt upright and look at the person standing in my room. I see Brandon standing in front of me, he hands me my phone slowly.

"That's a good picture of you two.." he says pointing to a frame by my bed. It's a picture of me and Vinny, it was from the day of the rafting accident before we went rafting. His mom took the picture, and then gave it to me in the frame.

"Yea.. I need to get ready for the doctors.." I say slowly getting up. Brandon helps me up before sitting down on my bed.

"Me and Travis were wanting to know if we could be there for you.." he asks quickly, and I almost laugh until I remember that Vinny won't be there.

"Sure.." I grab some jeans and a black tank top, with one of Vinny's hoodies. I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower. It takes longer than normal, I let the water wash away my tears as I cry. Once I'm done I get out and brush my teeth and hair and get dressed. When I walk out of my bathroom Brandon is still sitting on my bed, but so is Travis. They both look at me, and look at the hoodie.

"He needs to be there in some way.l damn it.." I say before walking over to my dresser and slipping the ring on my finger. I put my shoes on, and grab my wallet and keys. I don't tell them to come on, they just follow me silently.

I get into Vinny's car as Brandon slips into the back seat and Travis slips into the front beside me. It doesn't take to long to get to the doctors, and soon I am on a table with a bunch of slime on my stomach. Travis and Brandon watch, and I can see the amazement in their eyes. I chuckle slightly, and I watch both of them smile at me.

"So which one of you is the dad?" The nurse asks politely. I tense up, and so do the boys.

"The dad isn't here.. he passed away recently.." I say, before wiping away a stray tear.

"Oh I'm so sorry sweetheart.. so um, let's get started.." she says as the places the little probe against my skin. "Well he or she is being a bit stubborn."

Soon we hear the heartbeat, and I can't hold the teats back.

"Is that my baby?" I look at the woman.

"Correction miss.." she moves the probe and soon the heart beat doubles. "Babies.. there is two."

I look at her in shock, "What do you mean two?"

Travis and Brandon both look pale.

"I mean you are having twins, miss, congratulations." I look at the screen, and sure enough she isn't lying there are two little bean figures on the screen. I begin to cry as she prints out the pictures, I wish Vinny could have seen this.

"Well, looks like we have to make a bigger nursery." Brandon jokes, and I smile through the tears.

"Yes we will.. when will I find out the sex?" I ask the nurse.

"In a couple months, but I would like for you to come back every other week. You have alot of stress on you, and I want to make sure it isn't affecting the babies at all." She says handing me the ultrasound pictures. I hold up the pictures and look and my little babies.

I can feel my heart swells with love. I feel like Vinny is here with me, seeing exactly what I am seeing.

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