Chapter 19

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"So you're telling me, that whether I want it to happen or not I am going to be dragged into this?" I ask Brandon, he nods looking over at Travis. Travis just looks down, as I start to feel nervous.

"We can protect you though, so please don't be afraid of us Ashton.. we won't let him do anything to hurt you." Brandon says, laying his hand on my shoulder. He is about to say something else when we hear the front door open.

"Ashton, are you home?" I hear my mom yell.

"Yes mom, I'm in the kitchen with some friends.." I yell back, looking up at Brandon as he nudges Travis.

"We gotta go T, boss will be wondering where we are since we sent Dylan and Sebastian to do the job." Brandon says as they get ready to leave.

"Hey boys, where is the other two?" My mom says looking very happy.

"They are at work, that's actually where we are headed as well. It was nice seeing you Mrs Niko." Brandon says as they walk out of the kitchen.

"Let me go say good bye, I'll be right back." I jump off of the stool I was sitting on, and run to the front door. I find Brandon waiting there as Travis walks to the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Brandon asks quietly.

"Um, I'm actually going camping tomorrow I won't be back till Sunday night. I'll see you then?" I ask, feeling slightly guilty for not being here to hang out with him. His face drops, as he thinks of a response.

"Oh.. yea Sunday night works.. I'll see you then beautiful." He leans down towards me, and kisses me on the forehead. My heart pulls as he walks away, man I am in so much trouble. I turn and walk back into my house.

"So honey, how was your day?" My mom asks, when I walk back into the kitchen.

"Has dad called you?" I question her, still not over all that happened earlier. She stiffens, before turning around and giving me a concerned look.

"He called me this morning, but I wasn't able to answer. Why are you okay?" She questions me.

"Not really, no, I went and spent time with a friend for a couple hours and when I got back dad was standing on the lawn with Marcus. They were both trying to get me to come back with them. Then a fight broke out between Marcus and my friend, and my other friends you met showed up and kept Marcus from being beaten to a pulp." I try to make the situation short but to the point.

"Honey do you want me to take you to get a restraining order against them?" She suggests, her face wrinkling around her eyes from stress.

"No, I think I have my own personal body guards actually." I say smiling to myself.

She nods, and walks to me wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"I love you sweetie, I'm so sorry all of this is happening. But I am glad you have found friends that truly care about you." She says squeezing me tightly.

"I love you to mom, and so am I. Oh by the way mom I am going camping tomorrow with a friend I'll be back sunday.." I say, hoping she doesnt disagree with it.

"Honey, I know you can take care of your self so I am not going to stop you, just be careful honey. Now if you are going to go camping you might want to go start packing." She winks as she walks away and into her office.

I head upstairs, and into my room pulling a duffle bag out of my closet. I throw in some hiking pants and some jeans along with some swimsuits just to be safe. I then find some cute shirts and shorts throwing them in as well I grab some toiletries and within fifteen minutes I am fully packed and ready. I flop down on my bed Oh so gracefully, and check my phone.

I have 8 new messages, and 6 missed calls.

Three of the missed calls are from Marcus, and the other three are from my dad. I ignore them and open up my text messages.

Brandon: hey, um, I was just wanting to check in on you..

Brandon: Oh, and Travis says hi..

Travis: hi

Travis: Brandon is being annoying, save me from his girly mood swings. He is being all jealous of that kid Vinny. But I told him I was the one he should be jealous of since you are deeply in love with me.

Travis: seriously though, you know you want me, I know you care, just shout whenever, and I'll be there..

I can't help but laugh at their messages. Especially the fact that Travis is quoting Justin Bieber. I quickly reply to the both of them.

Me: hey Brandon, I am doing just fine. Thanks for asking. You don't have to act so moody as Travis put it, that Brandon isn't fun 😋

Me: Travis did you really just quote Justin Bieber?

I look at my last three messages, and they are all from the same person.

Vinny: hey gorgeous, I was going to wait till tomorrow to talk to you but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. What you up to?

Vinny: I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Vinny: Oh and just to warn you, Cole is coming too. And his filter is always broke when we get to the cabin..

Me: well hello there, you can talk to me anytime you want 😊 I can't wait to go camping with you and your family tomorrow. And it's fine I think I can handle him 😎

Vinny: Oh do you now? Be careful we tend to be some crazy boys 😎 our camping trips are anything but boring.

Me: sweetheart, you haven't even seen crazy yet 😘

Vinny: hmm, I like the sound of that. 😎 I'll see you early in the morning beautiful. Sleep tight.

Me: goodnight Vinny 😊

I slowly drift off to sleep, with a huge grin on my face.

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