Chapter 68

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The bus driver stops at the high school to let me off before he continues to his normal stop. When I get there the parking lot is empty, I immediately run to the side of the building hiding from the sight of the road. I watch the road, and soon I see my mother's car pull in, and behind it I see Brandon's car, and a car I've never seen before. I begin to walk away from the building when I hear something behind me. I don't turn around, instead I begin to run towards the cars.

I begin to scream as I see Travis jump out of the car, he notices me instantly but his eyes go to something behind me. I don't know why his face looks so alarmed, but I soon realize it as I feel something tear through my right shoulder causing me to fall. I see Travis running at me, and I notice Brandon aiming his gun at someone behind me. I hear multiple gunshots, and I feel so confused as I notice a pull of red coming from my shoulder. I roll on my back and put my hand on my stomach making sure my babies are not hurt.

I see someone above me, they are very attractive.

Vinny was very attractive..

The person about me is saying something, but I can't hear anything. I look at them and I see tears in their eyes, why are they crying. I feel their arms under me, soon I am being lifted into the air.

"Ashton, I'm so sorry.." I finally hear but it's still very faint. I want to ask him why he is sorry, my mouth won't work. I feel a pulsing sensation in my shoulder slowly beginning to become painful.

I finally find my words.

"Fuck!!!!! That fucking hurts!" I scream, Travis frowns at me.

"It's not going to feel good.. you got shot.. of course it's going to hurt.. we have to take you to the hospital, to fix you up and make sure the babies are ok.." he says as he sits me in the front seat of the car I don't recognize. I look at the person in the back seat, and they give me a small wave.

"Alex? What are you doing here?" I say, before he can respond I see multiple cars pull into the school parking lot. I look back at the place I had fallen and see the red headed girl laying on the ground. I feel the familiar feeling in my stomach as I see the the bullet wounds in her body and the gun beside her. I open the door, puking even though I have nothing left to puke.

I begin to hear a commotion, and instead of Travis going to find out what is going on here reaches past my shutting the door. He closes his own, and backs out of the spaces before he speeds out of the parking lot. The last thing I see is my mother pulling out of the parking lot behind us along with Brandon behind her. I see Cole in the car with my mom, and all I want to do is give him a hug.

My shoulder jolts, and I hiss in pain. I try to distract myself, and find it slightly easy once I truly look at Travis. His arms have gotten a bit bigger, and his body is more defined. His facial hair hasn't been trimmed in about a week so he has stubble running over his jawline. He doesn't look nineteen at all, and something makes me question it.

"Travis?" I whisper, slightly panting from the pain.

"Yes, Ashton?" He says watching the road, I watch as his jaw ticks slightly and I feel my stomach flip.

"Are you really nineteen?" I say bluntly, trying to distract myself from his looks. He pauses before he runs his hand over his face.

"No.. I'm not.. not many people know the truth.. but I am actually twenty three. I kept it from so many people so I could continue to go to high-school, and keep the gang out of it.." he says, and I see him glance at me making my stomach flip again. But this time I also feel two little bodies move closer together.

We don't speak the rest of the way to the hospital. It doesn't bother me that he lied about his age, but I'm also afraid he is lying about more.

Does he actually love me?

I feel my phone buzz, and I pull it out of my bra. I look at my notifications, and realize I have three texts.

Brandon: he has disappeared, he sent Paisley to follow you and finish the job. He is still out there.

Brandon: I won't leave your side anymore.

Brandon: I refuse to let them take you or the babies from me. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you.

I am overwhelmed by his texts, but I can't believe he is texting and driving.

Me: pay attention to the road B, or I will hurt you.

Me: it's not your fault..

I call my mom, I need to know if Damian is ok.

"Sweetheart! I'm so sorry I let them get you.. I should have been-"

"Mom! It's no one's fault! Calm down! I want to know how Damian is?" I say cutting her off.

"He is alright, banged up really good but he is already at the hospital. You will see him soon.. I love you honey." She says, and I begin to cry. I hang up the phone, and drop it in the compartment beside me. I slowly left the hoodie up the take it off, my blood from the bullet wound is drying and I yelp loudly as I lift my shoulder and pull the fabric away from the wound. I don't care that the only thing I have under the hoodie is my Bra, but the two guys in the car with me both blush.

"Oh grow up, it's not like I'm a naked supermodel, I have a big baby bump for goodness sake.." I say crossing my arms.

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