Chapter 22

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After I get out of the shower I go to the spare bedroom that is attached to the bathroom and change in to some shorts and a tank top. I walk out of the room and run into a hard chest. I look up to find Cole smirking.

"You are creepy, you know that right?" I say trying to walk past him, but he blocks my path.

"Yea, but it's hard not to be when you have a beautiful girl in front of you.." he laughs, and it sets me off.

"You realize that I care about your cousin right?" I snap, but he isn't fazed.

"But you aren't with him, and last I checked walker still thinks he has a shot with you." He says coolly, making me get aggravated.

"I care about both of them, and they both know this. But I am not going to talk to you about my relationship with my friends.." I say pushing past him.

"Just be careful Ashton, you are in between two rival gangs.. we may be trying to get the boys to come to our gang, but that doesn't mean they will be allowed to. Their boss will drag anyone and everyone down with them.." he says with a concerned look on his face. I look down at the ground before walking away. This is going to be very dangerous.

Vinny's POV

I am sitting by the lake by myself, while I wait on Ashton to get out of the shower. I pull out my phone, and look at the picture I took of her. She is so beautiful, I just want her to be mine. I'm not going to force her away from Brandon though, I'm not that type of person. If she chooses to be with him then I will support her and still be her friend. If she does choose him though, he needs to get away from that gang. They all do. I worry for the members in that gang, and the fact that he killed Brandon's father and kept Brandon for himself makes it worse. Brandon thinks he owes him his life.

"Hey, what you doing out here by your self?" I hear someone say behind me. I turn and find a girl that about five foot six, with bright blonde hair walking towards me. She is pretty, but she isn't my type. Ashton is my type.

"I'm waiting on my girl, who are you?" I ask kindly, standing up to shake her hand.

"My name is Becca, I am Arianna's friend. You must be, Vinny." She says twirling a strand of her hair around. She seems to be roughly the same age as me, but I can tell what type of girl she is. She starts to lean closer to me so I back away, I almost laugh out loud at how easy she is acting. This has always been my problem with the twins, they bring girls here to try to get me a girl friend since we are the same age. And I have never had the urge to so much as hug them.

"Look, I'm sure Arianna thought I didn't have someone, but the thing is I do. And even if I didn't, your not my type. So please, let me be." I say in the nicest way possible. I walk around the girl, and ignore her pouting. I walk around the cabin, and find Ashton coming out of the door.

"Hey gorgeous, I thought we could set up the tents?" I smile at her, and as much as I hate to admit it my stomach starts doing flips as she smiles back at me and nods.

"So how close to the lake are we going to be?" She says happily, I'm so thankful that I can hear the happiness in her voice, and I hope and pray that I am the reason for her happiness.

"Well if you really wanted to we could sleep on the boat, or we could sleep right on the beach.." I say, not wanting this weekend to end. "OR we could sleep on the cliff, which is about a mile or so up the trail. We would definitely have more privacy.."

I don't realize what I said sounded like I was insinuating something until Ashton raises an eyebrow.

"No, I didn't mean it like that! I meant just in case you didn't want to be around everyone. I'm fine with what ever.." I can feel my cheeks heat up, so I try to distract myself by running my hands over my naturally messy/spiky hair. The blue tips aren't natural obviously, but It was a dare that kind of just stuck with me.

"It's ok, I don't mind being around people. But I do want to see the cliff.." she says sweetly. Damn, I think this girl is going to be the death of me.

We continue walking, and soon find the rest of the guys. My younger cousin Drake is here as well which Is surprising since he rarely comes out here.

"Drake what are you doing out in the sunlight?" I laugh, as I walk up and ruffle his brown hair. He smacks my hand away before walking away into his own tent.

"Let's just say he heard there was a girl outside, that actually had a brain and he couldn't stay away." Cole says as he puts his tent together.

"Oh, I see. Ashton that boy you just saw was the magnificent Drake Jacobs, he isn't much of a talker due to him thinking the rest of the population is stupid." I say seriously, winking to make sure Ashton realizes I am playing. I grab my tent from the ground and start to put it together closer to the sand.

"So you all come here every year?" Ashton asks quietly.

"Yep, sometimes more. It's our get away from everything and everyone. The gang can be stressful at times and all we can do is come here to our safe haven. It's close enough to our other members so we can stay in touch but far enough to get some peace and quiet." I sigh, this place relaxes me and it's even more relaxing now that Ashton is here.

I knew when I walked up to her house, after Cole told me about her that I needed to meet her. Of course he was trying to claim her first, but something told me I needed to try. He tried to get me to leave her alone when he saw me coming from her house that night, but I couldn't, I don't think I ever will be able to.

She will be my girl..

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