chapter ten ; reality check

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The dinner table had already been reserved for six, and thankfully, there weren't many people during their presence. Yuzuru and Misaki sat across one another, as they were in between their best friends - Shoya, Tadashi, Umi, and Kiyoko.

"So, Misaki. I have some news for you." Kiyoko said in a musical tone, and Tadashi gave a small smile as well.

"What is it?"

"Tadashi asked me to marry him." She said, and the entire table fell silent before jumping into the biggest cry of joy as they kept congratulating the two.

"Oh my god. I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations!" Misaki said with genuine happiness. She looked at Yuzuru who was congratulating Tadashi for being brave and asking for Kiyoko's hand.

"The wedding's in three weeks, and I want you to be there. Both of you." She handed the invitations to Yuzuru and Misaki.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Yuzuru said.

"Me too."

"What about you two? Are you two okay with one another now?" Shoya asked.

"Shoya." Kiyoko said, indicating that Shoya had asked a rather sensitive question.

"We're cool." Misaki answered, "We're friends now."

She looked at Yuzuru across her, who smiled and the entire dinner continued like a festive parade of happiness and friendship.

"So, Misaki." Umi called, "How are things with you and Kento?"

Yuzuru put his fork and spoon down gently on his plate, pausing his eating at Umi's question to know what she had meant.

"Kento, is rather busy right now filming a drama series. We talk every day though."

"Ah!!!! To be so in love. When did you two started dating?"

"About eighteen months ago I believe. We've known each other for years ever since I debuted." She explained.

"You know you're so lucky to be dating. It's amazing to be in love isn't it? All of my friends are in love and getting married and I still can't find the right man for me." Umi whined, and Yuzuru looked up so that his eyes would meet with Misaki's and he got up and gave an excuse that he had to make a call.

Misaki knew from the moment he lied that she had to follow him. As she got up, their four friends already began imagining the heated argument that would take place between the two of them.

"You think he'll ever be over her?" Tadashi asked.

"The question is, was Misaki ever over him?" Kiyoko asked.

"What do you mean?" Shoya said with a quizzical face.

"Don't you see how they look at each other. They're still in high school. They haven't moved on from that time. Misaki's probably dating Kento to feel less guilty or lonely, she isn't in love with him. If she were, she wouldn't have actually followed Yuzuru out that door now, would she?"

"Woman, sometimes you amaze me." Tadashi commented at his fiancé with such admiration by her ability to deduct such things, as the four continued to talk, while wondering how the two were catching up.

Misaki found Yuzuru walking out of the restaurant, going farther and farther and she had no choice but to follow him. He wasn't the kind to ditch a gathering and when she kept calling for him, he didn't respond.

It occurred to her that they had ended up at that same alleyway, not far from the school, their little corner of the world.

"Hey! Yuzuru!" She called, but still no response. She was free to shout at such an empty alley.

"Hanyu Yuzuru!" She said aloud, and he turned to face her, really closely.

"What?" His voice low and clearly irritated.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"What's the matter? Misaki, are you sure you're in your right mind to be asking me that question after last night?"

"What happened last night? I remember dancing and drinking but I don't see a problem with that? Why do you have to be so dramatic?" She questioned.

"You, really do never cease to confuse me. You left, and you just come back waltzing in without the slightest mention of being with someone." He said.

"I didn't think it was any of your business. And I don't think I need this reality check from you. Why does it matter to you so much anyways? We're cool, right? Do we need to have this kind of conversation?"

"Apparently. Yes. Because I can't believe you still can't see this." Yuzuru said, sounding frustrated.

"I am in love with you." Yuzuru admitted, "I am crazy about you! How is that for a reality check?"

Misaki fell silent, and she felt the world hitting her in the face, as she realised she is still caught up in the same mess five years ago, except this time, there was nowhere to run.

Nowhere but home.


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