twenty-seven ; you've got nothing to lose

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She dominated the front pages.

She was on every cover of every teen fashion magazine and was walking every catwalk there was. With nothing to lose, she had nothing to hold onto, and there was nothing holding her back. Flying from one country to another, it was her way of being happy, or at least, it was her was of telling herself it was time to keep herself busy and not sulk about something that took so long to work out.

She had photo shoots day in and day out. It took her to France, Italy, and Korea. She didn't want to come home, and her mother noticed her sudden motivation and she was more than satisfied.

"Misaki, they want you to guest star on a talk show tomorrow. Is that okay?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, it's fine." She answered. She never argued, and wanted more and more appearances. It was good for her image, and it helped take her mind from everything.

There were, somehow, times at night when she's in the bed of her Tokyo home, that she recalls moments where Yuzuru would be asleep next to her, and those were the times where it hurt her most.

The tabloids were going crazy over her, with her promising return to the spotlight, many positive articles were written about her.

Back and Better than Ever! Misaki is certainly glowing!

She is Brains, Beauty, and Grace. She is Akiyama Misaki!

Misaki is flawless with Her Comeback!

She was receiving the love she deserved, but in her heart, she knew for a fact, that it wasn't the love she wanted.

Yuzuru, however, continued his practice in Sendai before flying for the World Championships. He had troubles coping through his days with the words she had left him with. The bitterness he had treated her with haunted him like a ghost. It wasn't good for him to overthink while he was skating, since it interrupts his movements.

Whenever he tries to take a walk, it doesn't end well either. She would be on every corner, from magazines to billboards and even posters that promoted her new movies and it wasn't easy escaping from her. She had really made sure of that.

He was receiving the love from the world as well, with everyone anticipating his win and yet no news of his ankle had been released. The pain had begun taking a toll on his jumps and he found it difficult to produce quality loops.

Misaki appeared on the live talk show the next day, and they were talking about her photo shoots and movie filming. She was clearly enjoying herself, when the host asked her how she was balancing her personal life and working life.

"I, honestly don't have much of a personal life. My home is every hotel room I walk into, and I never seem to take a break, because I love the thrill of going here and there. It's fine with me."

"Does it not affect any personal relations?" 

"I've got nothing to lose." She said carelessly.

Yuzuru watched the show through his television screen, and he placed his head in his hands, before asking himself, "What have I done?"


Filler chapter but thank you for sticking by this book no matter how bad it gets! But what'll happen between these two next?

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