twenty-nine ; you and me

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"Every year, the Akiyama family hosts a gala that raises awareness and money for child education. This year, we've decided to host the gala in a special place where celebrities and leaders can enjoy their evening while also donate as much as they can." Koichi said as he walked around the museum with Misaki.

"Where do you have in mind, father?" She asked.

"Mykonos." He answered, "The place is secluded and it is ensured of the safety of our guests and it will force them to stay a little longer and enjoy the beauty, so much that they will agree to donate as much as they can during their stay."

"And you think taking all those celebrities and leaders to your manor there is a good idea?" 

"It is a fantastic idea. Wouldn't you agree?" He smirked at his daughter for his clever idea.

"It is very much like you. I can see where I get the loving the secluded places from." She teased.

"The children there miss you." He told her.

"They're probably all grown up now. I haven't been there in years. I wonder what they look like now."

"You're attending this year, right?" 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."


Yuzuru looked through his phone and checked his flight booking. He had taken a break to attend a gala dinner in Greece for a good cause. Knowing for a fact that it was his ex-girlfriend's father's event, he didn't want that to be a reason for his absence.

He also thought that Misaki would be too busy to attend anyways, since she's currently in the middle of filming her new movie.

"Have you packed everything?" His mother asked.

"Yes, mum." He said.

"Is it true? It's Misaki's father's foundation?" 

"I believe it is." He let out a heavy sigh, "I still want to go though."

"You should make it up to her while you're there. She wasn't to blame for what happened, and you know that, son." She advised him with a worried look on her face, "I worry about you."

"You don't have to, mum." He held his mother's hands and smiled, "I'm fine."

"Yuzuru." She called his name in a serious but caring tone, "When your heart's been broken like that, nothing is ever going to be fine for a while. I know that much."


"Have you got everything packed?" Misaki's mother asked as she was still placing several more clothes into her bag.

"Yes, mother. I've got everything I need." She answered, rolling her eyes as she continued stuffing her second suitcase.

"You know I still don't like the idea of you attending this event. But it's for a good cause so I'll let it slide." She protested.

"Like it or not, he's the father of your child, and you were married to him in one lifetime." She pointed out.

"I was young. I was your age." She defended herself, "How was I supposed to know?"

Misaki let out an amused laugh at her mother's sudden outburst and she finally closed her suitcase and said, "I'm thankful you're letting me go this time, mother."

"Why are you suddenly happy?"

"Because I haven't been happy for a while now." She admitted.

As Misaki took her suitcases downstairs, her mother smiled, watching her grown up daughter taking the world by storm, but then the sense of guilt kicked in, and she couldn't help but allow the tears to fall.

"Mum, are you going to see me off or not?" Misaki called from outside.

"I'm coming!" She answered, wiping off the tears and walking out of the bedroom.

Misaki got into the car after her things had been taken care of, and her mother stood outside, as they said goodbye through the window.

"Hey," her mother called, "when you get back, let's do something together. Something you want. What do you want to do?"

"I want to watch the Olympics with you. Is that okay?" She asked.

"That's perfect." Her mother agreed, "I'll book the tickets to Korea the moment you return. But why the Olympics?"

"It's the closest thing I could think of." She answered, hiding the fact that it's the thing the closest person to me participates in.

"Alright. We'll do that." She smiled.

The car drove off, and Misaki's personal driver said, "She seems to be nice these days. What did you drug her with?"

"I have no idea." 

"You won't admit the real reason for Pyeongchang, miss?" 

"It's better she not know." She told, "I just want to cheer him on one last time."


Once Yuzuru arrived, he took a boat to the small island of Mykonos, where from afar, he saw nothing but sparkling white. The buildings there seemed like a place in paradise, and once the boat reached the docks, he saw children running around and it immediately filled him with joy as the excitement and innocence can be seen from the young ones.

"She's back! She's back!" The children said, and they began chasing one after the other. Yuzuru then stopped one of the children and asked, "Excuse me. I need to get to Akiyama manor. Do you know where it is?"

The little girl smiled and nodded, holding Yuzuru's hand and dragging him along with her little legs going as fast as they possibly could.

After a few minutes of running, he came to a mansion with wide open spaces and the pathway was full of welcoming flags for every country. The children freely ran to the building beside it which seemed like a school, and out of pure curiosity, he followed them.

"Mi-chan!" The children called, "Mi-chan's back!"

They began up the stairs and Yuzuru followed and it led to the sound of stapler bullets being shot to a board, and he froze at the sight.

The children jumped with happiness and excitement at the sight of her, and she stopped stapling the papers to the bulletin board to hug the children. She seemed happiest at that moment in his eyes, and it took his breath away. He remembered why he fell in love with her again. The same childlike wonder that she had when she saw the sakura petals falling that spring.

"You've grown so much! I've missed you!" She said, spinning a little boy around before glancing over and seeing a familiar face of a little girl holding her ex-boyfriend's hand.

You're here. The two thought as the sirens at the back of their minds suddenly became fireworks that lit up, bringing back old memories.

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