twenty-four ; something just like this

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She was always the first to wake up in the morning. It was a force of habit, and the reward was to see and admire his sleeping face. She didn't move, simply keeping her gaze fixated on his calm unconscious expression.

She noticed everything about that moment - from his chest rising and falling with every breath, to the scent of last night's cologne. It was all seeping into her memory.

Soon enough, he woke up, seeing her face looking down as she tucked no the sheets. He placed a hand on her cheek, causing her to look up and lock eyes with him. He smiled with a certain feeling of relief, thinking that she was just something he'd see in his dreams.

"Good morning," he greeted her, and she greeted him back.

"Is your flight soon?" She asked him.

"It's at two." He told her, "We've got time."

"I've missed this." She said, placing her hands around his arms, closing the gap between them. He placed a kiss on her forehead, before asking her, "What do you want to do today?"

"Let's just stay like this for a while." She said.

After a few minutes of remaining in bed, Misaki got up and jumped out of bed.

"Where are you off to?" He asked.

"I'm going to go downstairs and make a call, I'll be back and we can have breakfast together." She said as she was about to walk about, but then turned back and kissed Yuzuru quickly, causing him to blush.

She went downstairs where her laptop was, and opened it to make a video call to her mother, who was busy with the Fashion Week. 

"Good morning, darling. I assume you've just woken up since it's still early in Japan." She said.

"Morning, mum." She greeted, "I don't have anything planned for the next few weeks, do I?" 

"Unfortunately, no. But you're more than welcome to come with me for the  Fashion Week craze."

"I'll pass." She said, "I want to take a break for a week or two. You can call me back for schedule after that, okay?"

"Alright. But where are you planning on going, just so I don't have to send a search unit after you this time?" She asked.

"I want to go back to Sendai." She said, "I just want to clean up gran's house a bit and see my friends. I'll be fine."

"Alright. Call me should anything happen."

"I will. Bye, mum."

"Bye, Misa."

Hanging up, she was happy that she was able to go back to Sendai for a few weeks. Yuzuru's tournament training was going to be held there for a few weeks so it'd be great if she came for support.

She missed her friends too. Shoya, Tadashi, Umi, and Kiyoko. The four haven't heard of them yet, and they're bound to be ecstatic once they do.

Looking through her phone, she realised that she has to attend an even with her friends tonight for an opening of a fine dining restaurant.

Yuzuru then came downstairs, looking around and finding Misaki in the kitchen.

"What would you like for breakfast?" She asked.

"How about I make you something today?" He offered.

"Really?" She smirked playfully.

"Of course. Just sit back and watch me." He said with confidence.

"I didn't know making breakfast became an Olympic sport."

She sat by the island and saw him skillfully mix the spices and other additional vegetables to make breakfast.

Once he was finished, he placed it on a white plate, professionally making it look as if it were to be judged by a fine artist, and placed the breakfast before her.

"Voila." He said, "Fish and chips."

"Wow, I'm impressed, Yuzuru." She complimented, "Is there anything you can't do?"

"I haven't figured that out yet." He said.

The two enjoyed breakfast together, and spent the rest of the time they had left watching TV, and enjoying champagne.

As time passed, Yuzuru asked what plans did Misaki have for the day.

"I'm sure I'll have to attend a restaurant opening tonight. My friend has finally decided to open one and she's been talking about it for ages. After that, I am going to go back home, drink a glass of water, and go to bed."

"You seem to be having quite the fun. I wish I could be with you. Shame training's taking so long and the competition season hasn't ended yet." He said.

"Remember what we promised?" She told him, "Once it all ends, we'll come back running."

His lips couldn't help but curve into a sweet smile at the girl he loves, and once the clock had struck one, Misaki knew it was time for Yuzuru to leave. He had called a driver to pick him up from her apartment, and before he left, he took something out from his bag and handed it to her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Open it."

Inside the box, there was a necklace, with a transparent that had a seashell inside of it. Her eyes went wide when she recalled the seashell that was in that charm.

"Is this?" Yuzuru responded with a nod.

"I've kept that ever since, and I have one to match." He took out his necklace, revealing another familiar seashell.

It was the last day of their trip, and after Yuzuru had spilled his heart out to her, they spent their time by the beach, picking out seashells, before Misaki took one and said, "Yuzuru! This one resembles you!"


"It has a hard shell, but the inside is pretty and soft. You have a hard shell, strong enough to carry the nation, but inside, you're soft and gentle." She said, handing him the shell.

He looked at the white seashell that she had pointed out had a similarity to him, and then she picked another shell up and said, "This one's me."

"Why do you say that?"

"It's just like every other shell." She answered, "Nothing much to be made of it." She then threw the shell on the ground and somehow, it broke.

"See? It's even weaker than I thought it would be." She told him. Yuzuru then searched around and found a unique shell that had purple tints lining the white base of it's exterior.

"This is you." He showed her, handing her the shell.

"It's pretty on the outside, and it's pretty on the inside too, take a look." He said.

She looked inside the shell, seeing the purple tints somehow glowing from being electrified by the sunlight.

Misaki couldn't hold back her tears as she put it on, and hugged him.

"I guess this could be one of those couple item things, huh?" He said.

"I never knew you were one for those." She was surprised.

"Well, I'm full of surprises. I'll see you soon, Misaki."

"I'll be waiting." She told him before he left and closed the door, and she began counting the days before she could see him again.

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