They Will - Edited

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Yeah, I changed the chapter's name.  Fight me.

     "(Y/n) .... you must get up. You can't stay in bed forever." I hear Dick say through the door, muffled.

I don't respond. It's been one week since he died. I can hardly take it. When he died, I was in a meltdown. I didn't move from the position I was in for hours. After that I didn't eat. I didn't drink. I guess all the crying I did had just completely ruined my appetite. Bruce and Dick would sometimes unlock the door and watch me eat at least a full meal a day. Sometimes it was Alfred.

Dick started drifting away from us. He made up even more excuses than usual to leave the mansion and get away from the reporters. It hurt to watch him do that, but I couldn't say anything. After all, at least he could get out of his room. I was still stuck in here, in denial that my best friend of so many years could have possible died right before my eyes.

I kept muttering, "He can't be.... He can't be dead.." I was making up excuses. Ways that he could've lived. That the recording was fake. He was wandering somewhere, and he'd come back. He somehow tricked Joker into believing all of it. But I knew that the chances are he didn't do that. It seemed like Joker had played him like a violin.

"That's it..." Dick muttered. He opened the door and I knew he could tell I was mess. I looked like a bird's nest with tears. He ushered me up from the (2f/c) (2nd favorite color) bed and pushed me onto a chair in front of the desk.

He picked out a (f/c) sweater and dark blue jeans. He laid them onto the bed and then stated, "Get up. Go get some underwear because I refuse to touch that. The two of us are going out into the city for a bit. You need the fresh air. You're wasting away up here, Y/N."

After an hour I was completely ready. It only took five minutes to get dressed, but to untangle my hair was another story. It was so knotty and messed up from a week of tossing and turning in bed. I was almost worried I'd have to cut out some of the knots.

I walked down the stairs and out the door to see Dick leaning against the red Mustang. "What, we aren't taking the Lambo?"

"Not today. But maybe another day." Dick winks at me. I grin for the first time in a long time, it almost felt strange, and got into the passenger seat.

Twenty minutes of traffic later, we are at the ice cream store! After picking out chocolate sundaes we ate inside, looking out the window, to the high skyscrapers of Gotham. "So, this was your genius plan of getting me out of the house?" I ask taking a bite of the creamy chocolate.

"It worked, didn't it?" He said eating while talking.

"Oh, Dick. Don't eat while talking. It's disgusting. You know I hate it."

"Yes, I know quite well. That's why I'm doing it." He smirks, and I groan loudly.

After a whole day of shopping, we had finally gone to the mansion. I placed all five bags of clothes down and sat on one of the soft red couches. After all the walking around, I needed it more than anything.

Not even five minutes later, it's like Alfred knew I was exhausted, and gave me a warm blanket and a cold glass of water. "Thanks Alfred." I smile.

"It's nice to see you again, Master/Miss (l/n)."

"You know you don't have to call me that."

"Nonsense. But get some rest. I know you haven't been doing much this past week. But things will get better. You know that."

"I know. But it's still nice to have the comfort of knowing someone feels the same way."

"Perhaps Master Bruce would be a great person to talk to."

"Alright. I'll go talk to him now."

"Thank you Master/Miss (l/n)."

I walk down the steps leading to the Bat Cave. Inside, it's mostly black and blue. All around there are platforms leading to the Batmobile, Bat computer, and of course, the bat wing. Pretty creative names, huh?

When I go down to the Bat Computer, I see Barbara sitting down in her wheelchair, typing away, looking up what looks to be Killer Croc. Bruce comes down and I glance at him. "Well look who's finally risen from the dead."

"Can we talk alone?" I ask.

His joking manner turns serious. "Of course. Follow me." He turns to a darker part of the cave. "Now what is it?"

And I tell him about how I felt. No not like that crappy stuff. I told him how I never had an appetite, how I had basically just shut everything down. I didn't want to do anything. I couldn't do anything. I told him about all my thoughts while I stayed in my room. Because of Jason's death, it felt like I died too.

"I swear (y/n) things will get better."

"What if they don't?"

"They will."

Author's Note: I thought that "They Will" worked better than "He Can't Be" for the chapter name.  I really like the idea of having a sentence or line from the chapter as the name.  I don't know why, I've always preferred it.  Anyway, here it is, all edited.  Changed up a few details.  Nothing too major.  Alfred has the option of calling you Master or Miss, you ask why not the Lambo instead of asking why not the Corvette.  Blah blah blah.  If you want to see all of the differences, just go ahead and click back to the unedited chapter.  I prefer this one though.  I feel like a few lines of Dick's were a bit out of character in the unedited, so this kind of blended with him a bit more.  That's all I have for tonight because I plan on making a new chapter.  I want to put a little something more before doing the major timeskips.  Alright, I'm going to go now, bye lovelies!

P.S Anyone catch my Arkham Games reference?  I started playing Return to Arkham: Arkham Asylum on the Xbox One again and I wanted to slip a little something in there.  

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