Gordon - Edited

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​"He couldn't have won... There's no way."

"At this point, would anything surprise you, (Y/N)?"

"No, I guess not..."

We continued to watch from the window as Gotham turned from screaming to silence. If we looked very closely we could see people beating each other up, but now, they were all dead or unconscious.

That was right before we heard yelling from the other side of the door. It didn't sound like Jason or Scarecrow, just another commander in their army. "The Arkham Knight's calling for 6 COBRA tanks on Bleake Island. He wants maximum protection for the Cloudburst tank."

"He's not doing what I think he's doing, is he?" Barb asked.

"I think he might... Jason's not calling for tanks for protection. He's trying to trap Bruce."

"He doesn't stand a chance against 7 tanks, even in the Batmobile!"

"No, no he doesn't."

~3rd Person POV

Batman drove through the many streets of Bleake Island, determined to destroy one COBRA tank at a time.

There was still four tanks left, excluding the Cloudburst tank. Batman drove up behind one tank waiting for the missile to prepare for launch.

One by one he destroyed the tanks, until all that was left was the Cloudburst. He had to be extremely careful with this one due to how strong it was. It was clearly much larger than all the tanks, and contained many different weapons.

Batman made his way around the tank as it scanned for him. Meanwhile, he was scanning the sides of it for any weaker points.  If he could find any weak points throughout the armor, then he would have a shot at taking down the Cloudburst entirely. 

Once he scanned it, he found openings throughout all sides of the tank.   Batman knew that it would take awhile, but he had to fire the 60 mm cannons into all sides.  The only problem is that he'd have to shoot and run for it; the tank would be too hard to fight.  

Slowly he made his way through it, getting it at all sides.  There was one final battle before the Cloudburst tank was finished off.  The explosion could be seen from a mile away.  Once the sparks cleared, he spotted the Arkham Knight collapsed on the top.  He quickly got out of the Batmobile and brought the Knight to the top of a building.  

There, he started punching the Knight until his helmet was off.  It revealed to be Joker, another one of Batman's hallucinations.  Joker started laughing like there was no tomorrow.  As Bruce received an incoming call from Alfred, the Knight disappeared.  


Your POV

We continued to watch through the window as the city was stuck in a cloud of fear toxin.  Every once in a while we felt some sort of earthquakes.  We tried figuring out what it could be but we had no idea.  

Suddenly, we saw a huge plant race out of the ground and flowers bloom on it.  "So that's what was happening..."  

"What do the plants do exactly?"  I asked Barbara.  

"If my suspicions are right, the plants are able to take the toxin from the air and replace it with clean air.  Bruce must be trying to get the toxin removed that way."  

"So that's why he released Ivy; so she could help him with the Cloudburst."  


As the minutes passed by, we saw the plant's bark harden and the gas clouds disappear.  After about an hour the entire city was covered in dandelions instead of an orange fear toxin cloud.  It was strange to see, but I'd much rather it than what it was shortly before.  

Hurt (Arkham Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now