(Super Late) Birthday Special!

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Consider it a memory or you could just consider it a separate thing.  Whichever you prefer!  I meant to write this on the 16th, but I completely forgot and I still wanted to do it so I apologize if it's bad considering I'm writing it all in one shot at 2 AM.  

Jason Todd was not a fan of birthdays.  At all.  He hated them in fact, and since he never got to really have one with family, he didn't care.  You were the exact opposite, you loved to go all out for birthdays for everyone.

That's why Jason dreaded having his 15th birthday this year.  His 15th birthday would be his first birthday after being "adopted" by the playboy billionaire, Bruce Wayne.  Ever since he was adopted by him, he quickly became your best friend, and only a few months before it, he became your boyfriend.  Well, for lack of a better word.  You two were still pretty new to the whole idea.  Therefore, he was slightly terrified of what you'd force him to do when the day came.

"No big plans, you hear me?"  He told you one day when the two of you were hanging out.  

"But Jason," you whined, "it's your 15th birthday!  You only get one, so you deserve something big for it." 

"No, I don't.  I don't want anything that involves a huge party, going out somewhere or something that involves a ton of people I don't even know."  He rolled his eyes. 

"Well, I wouldn't do that to you.  We already show up at enough of the galas Bruce holds every month.  If I have to go to another summer barbecue party I think I'm going to die."  You laughed.  

"Good, then there shouldn't be anything big.  I don't want anything big.  I want it to be a normal day.  August 16th, it is just an ordinary day."  

"You're not winning this.  You're having something big for your birthday no matter what."  

(Switching to 3rd Person, wanted to just try it out.  Let me know what you thought of 2nd person though!) 

For the next two weeks, Y/N was constantly sneaking around Jason to get things ready for his birthday.  He was about ready to kill her for it because all he wanted to do was just go on patrol that night without having to worry about coming home to a huge party with confetti or something.  

When he woke up on August 16th, he groaned at the idea of what he'd find as soon as he opened his eyes.  Alfred walked into his room and opened the blinds, causing Jason to hiss at the light.  "Good morning, Master Todd."  

"Morning, Alfred."  When his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw that there was nothing big in his room, nor was there a certain (e/c) person in his room, waiting for him to wake up.  While he was relieved to find that, he was also a bit disappointed.  

"Everyone is downstairs eating breakfast if you care to join them.  However, Master Wayne has already left because he had work to do at the office, but he wishes you a happy birthday."  Alfred smiled warmly and left his room. 

Jason got dressed and made his way down the stairs and into the dining room, where Dick, Barbara, and (Y/N) all sat, eating eggs and bacon.  (Y/N) noticed him first and grinned at him mischievously, "Good morning, Jason!  And happy birthday!"  

Jason said his thanks while Barbara and Dick wished him a happy birthday as well.  He cautiously sat down at the table and began to eat the plate that was set up for him.  (Y/N)'s grin was alarming to him, especially since nothing big had happened yet.  When Dick had his birthday, (Y/N) made sure that the whole manor was coated in balloons and decor for him to see.  This is what really confused him, and once again he felt a little disappointed at it. 

"So, Dick and I were just talking about how Scarecrow got out of the asylum this morning.  Apparently, he hasn't been seen yet, but Bruce says that there's something going on over in ACE Chemicals.  We figured we'd check it out later tonight.  Want to join?  Barbara can't come since she's going to stay on patrol for the night." (Y/N) told him after finishing her plate.

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