Lies - Edited

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     As Barbara and I pull up to the clock tower, we see 5 school buses slowly leave the parking lot, filled with hundreds of Gotham's citizens. Barbara's phone rings and she picks up. "Hey, Dad. Yeah. We got out fine. We're staying at a hotel right now. Planning on getting something to eat. Okay....bye Dad." She hangs up.

I glance at her. "Did you just lie to your Dad that we were out of Gotham?"

"Perhaps...well there is a hotel nearby, and I plan on making a sandwich so, not entirely lying there."

I laugh. "A half lie is as bad as a whole."

"Okay you have me there (y/n)."

"Alright so, what is going on around Gotham besides Scarecrow trying to make everyone face their biggest fears and cower?" I ask as we log into the Bat Computer.

"Well, for starters, there is a man killing people, stripping them of their identity, and placing them somewhere with opera music. There are militia checkpoints all over the place. Also, APC tanks roaming the place, Firefly is burning the fire stations, and that's all I can find at the moment."

"What did Scarecrow do? Did he just let everyone free and give them the city?" I joke.

"Quite possibly." She says and laughs. Before we could say anything we got a call from Batman.

"Batman, what are you doing?" Barbara asks.

"We don't have just Scarecrow and the usual. There's someone new here."

Barbara starts going in to look at the cameras around Gotham. She finds what looks like a man in a suit like Batman's. He's holding a gun and shoots the camera. "Does he look like this?" She asks as she shows Bruce the video.

"Precisely. Can you figure out who he is?"

"Sure. Just give me a few minutes."

"Okay good. (y/n), I need you to help with the man killing people and leaving the opera music. If we want to get things done, I'll need you to help with the missions."

"Of course. I can start doing that now."

"Alright." Batman says and ends the call.

"See you later Barb." I say and walk out of the clock tower. I quickly put on my suit, which is a black body suit, a mask, and tools like Bruce has.

When I walk out, I see a bunch of thugs across the street, hitting a man. If Bruce has taught me anything under his wing, it's how to fight. I instantly take down one of the men and punch the next one in the jaw.

The man behind me tries to kick me and catch me off guard but I take his ankle and twist it before he has a chance. He falls down to the ground, holding his ankle, and crying like a little girl. I knock out the last man and run. I can't have too much trouble if I expect to find these bodies.

I run across the rooftops and go into detective mode. After running to Miagani Island, I finally find a body, hanging off the wall in a greenish blue hospital gown. When I try to go there, there are about 4 tanks right in front of it.

Hoping not to get caught, I quickly scan the body for any markings to identify them. After contacting Alfred the information, he states that they were missing from Arkansas. How strange. Most murder victims in Gotham have been in or nearby the city.

I go to the clock tower after Barbara says she has some new information on the new villain around Gotham. "He's called the Arkham Knight." She states to Bruce and I. "We haven't been able to find any further information on his identity, but we do know he hates Batman's guts. He also knows Batman's identity and his moves."

"Well, that tells us a lot actually." I comment.

"How?" The Dark Knight asks.

"This man has to have worked near or side by side with you to know your identity and your moves. The only way for him to have known both is by that, or he's been beaten up by you at least a thousand times."

"You have a point. (Y/n) have you found any information on the murders?"

"Yes. According to Alfred, the victims have been far from Gotham, were reported missing, and somehow show up here, with no traces of their identity except some key details in them."

"Alright. Well, I want you to stay here now with Barbara. The militia around has been increasing their security and attacks. I don't want you two to be in danger."

"But that's no fun!" I say.

"Too bad. I want you two to be safe."


"I'll see you guys later." He says and grapples up to the vent.

I am sooooo sorry but I have been grounded from the laptop and phone until further notice.  I may be able to update very rarely because my mom forgot about my tablet.  However, it will take a lot longer to write and publish.  I'll probably get them back in the next couple weeks.  As for now, this is all I got for you guys.  Thanks for being patient! <3

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