Kidnapped - Edited

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I woke up finally after what seemed like forever.  I couldn't tell what was going on while I was out, but it's not like I had any dreams either.   It was just darkness and a lot of muffled voices.  When I decided to open my eyes, the first thing I saw was a light so I winced.  As soon as I got used to the bright light I looked around a little.  I could feel that I was strapped to a metal chair by rope.  How typical.  The room was mainly dark except for the light, but I could see Barb a few feet away from me knocked out.  She had a few cuts and bruises on her.  What happened?

Before I could try and wake her up, the door opened and I could see the silhouette of a small man.  He may have been small but you could tell he was a man by how he stood.  He walked in slowly, and my eyes adjusted.  I could then tell that he had a hood on, and this was none other than Dr. Jonathon Crane himself.  "Good.  I'm glad to see you are awake." 

I tried holding back a growl.  "Glad to be awake.  Would've preferred not to be knocked out though.  What is your problem?"  

"It does not matter to you.  In a few short hours, all of Gotham will be under my control.  The Cloudburst will release my fear toxin to everyone in the city, turning them into ruthless monsters.  No one will be spared.  It will expand to the state, and soon, the country.  It would've been the country if it wasn't for Batman halting those plans for now."  He said. 

"Oh, so that's what he did in ACE Chemicals."  I remember Barb was talking to him while he was there, and poor Tim wanted so badly to help him out.  Alfred was so worried for him when the place exploded, and even I was a little worried, but I should've known he'd be fine because he is Batman after all.  I thought he was only there to save the firefighters, but I didn't know about the chemicals Crane had there.  No one filled me in about it, but I'm not really surprised.  I was kind of too busy looking into the murders of almost unidentifiable people.  

Before Crane could say another word, the door opened again to reveal the Arkham Knight.  Great.  He strutted in, the lights in his suit glowing.  "Poor (Y/N).  Trapped in a room with no one to help or save you." 

"Bull.  Batman will save me and Barbara.  He's dealt with worse than you two."  I glared at him.  His glowing eyes annoyed me.  

"You really think that old man is going to save you?  That he's going to save you and you'll get your happy ending?  Grow up."  

I hesitated for a second.  Maybe it wouldn't happen.  Maybe Bruce wouldn't be able to save us.  I can't think like that.  "Who are you?"  I asked.  Worth a shot, right?

He slowly walked up to me and I got a face full of bright lights from his mask.  He couldn't be more than an inch away.  "Ah, ah, ah.   Let's not get ahead of ourselves.  You'll find out sooner or later."  

"Why not?  What's wrong?  Scared I'll tell the 'old man' and you'll be revealed?"  

"Not at all, but you can't find out just yet.  You'll know in time."  He walked out with Scarecrow.  Once again, I was alone.  Hopefully Barb would wake up soon.

A/N YO' GIRL IS BACK!  WOOOO- I plan on getting some more chapters out soon.  I wanna shoot myself for missing some important events, so I had to make it seem like you didn't know the whole story on that.  It's now midnight and I'm still blasting Pray for the Wicked on Spotify.  This is not healthy, is it? 

Hurt (Arkham Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now