Call - Edited & Extended

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     "So, what can I do to help?" I ask getting bored very quickly. It's been about an hour since Bruce left and it became pretty quiet.  Kind of ironic considering everyone that is out and about on the streets.  Right now there's probably about thirty different criminals in the clock tower, but they're too stupid to realize there's a code to get into the roof of it via the elevator.

"Well you could help research about Scarecrow's toxin. It's called the Cloudburst. If you can find any more information on it, that would be very helpful. I need to find more info on the Arkham Knight if we want to capture him." She says and continues to pull up public documents.

"The Arkham Knight?  Never heard of him, who is he?"  I ask her.  Out of all of the bad guys Gotham has, I've never heard of someone who goes by the alias Arkham Knight.

"Not sure.  He's new, that's all I really know.  From what I can find about him, he's only been around for the past couple years.  I can find a few transcripts of deals he's made with people who were once in the military, but other than that, he's hidden from the world.  This is his first real attempt at taking over a place."

"Transcripts?  What kind of deals was he making with these guys?"

"Apparently all sorts of machinery and parts.  There's something here that hints about making tanks of some kind.  Whatever he was making, he's been working on it for a while now.  I'm assuming it's all to take down Bruce."  Barb said, never taking her eyes off the screen.

"Unbelievable.  I guess the coward is too scared to try and do it all by himself though, considering he has Scarecrow and everyone else in on this plan of his."

"Yeah, from what I can find, he has hundreds of these tanks waiting everywhere around the city.  What I can't find is where they're all located."

"Well, I'm doing absolutely nothing here and I want to help.  I'll get to work on that Cloudburst."  I said, and I wheeled up to one of the computers to find something, anything that will help us.

When I pull up the screen, the first thing I see is Scarecrow, looking evil and menacing as usual.  He's in the dark, eerily staring into the camera with two white dots for eyes.  After the whole asylum incident, he was dumped into the sewer with Killer Croc, I'm surprised he was able to survive that.  I shudder and start looking up the toxin "Cloudburst" into a top secret site, kind of like the government websites.  Only thing is, it's for bad guys.  I'm not sure how Barb found this website exactly, but what matters is what I can find on it.

The first thing to pop up is a name. Stagg. The next thing is Stagg Enterprises. When I click onto it, it shows a document on the company. It's apparently a company that has created the toxin, and is now working with Jonathan Crane, also known as, Scarecrow.

As I keep searching for more information, Barbara contacts Bruce again. He says that he's going underground at ACE Chemicals and warns us again to be careful. I don't know why he's so worried. He acts like we will be murdered tonight.

Gordon then calls me on my phone. "(Y/n), hey. Sorry I didn't call earlier after talking to Barbara."

"Hey no worries. She's your daughter after all. You want to make sure she's safe. I completely understand."

"Thanks. Everything alright? Not going out to clubs while Batman and I fight crime?"

I can't help but laugh at that statement. "Of course not. We're just relaxing. Playing around on the Internet.  The whole country is freaking out over Gotham being run over by Scarecrow.  We're trying to find out everything we can.  We're really worried for you and Batman."

"Alright, alright.. But you guys are absolutely okay with all this?"

"Yes. Of course we are. I promise."

"I better not have a call from a different county's police saying you guys were caught with DUI or something."

"We're fine Gordon.  We're staying in a hotel room for the night.  I'll talk to you later. Bye." I laughed.

"Bye." I hang up and sigh. Why is everyone so worried about us?  I shook my head, trying to get the thoughts out.  Time to focus on something more important than that.

Finding any more information on the Cloudburst project seemed futile, whatever all of it was about, it was confidential.  There was nothing on paper about this project, and they probably did it on purpose.  But I give Stagg credit, trusting Crane enough to just have his word about whatever he gets in return for this is gutsy.  

Before I knew it, I heard Barbara yelp in pain.  I quickly turned my head towards her to see her hunched forward in her chair.  I can't focus on anything else because I feel a sharp pain go through the back of my skull.  I wince, and I try to focus on something, anything that will tell me what's going on.  My vision's too blurry to see anybody, but I see a silhouette of a man walk towards Barb.  The pain soon becomes too much for me to handle, and I black out entirely.  Just before I lost all consciousness I heard him speak.

"Time for the real fun."

Surprise, Bats!  I'm alive!  I apologize that I have not updated in foreverrrr.  I have to study for state exams next month, and I have a ton of homework to do for school.  Not to mention, I have two cats that are extremely old and the one has been with me my entire life, but they're sick.  I don't know if they'll get better so I'm trying to take care of them/spend a lot of time with them.  So, to help things, I updated finally!  This chapter was originally only 323 words and as a surprise I wanted to extend it a bit, by giving it 600 more.  There will be a bonus chapter next so stay tuned!  I hope to update again soon.  As for now, I leave you with this.  See you on the flip side! <3

Hurt (Arkham Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now