Author's Note

514 19 24

Well, I'm in here.  I marked this as completed months ago.  Oh, well.  I wanted to show you guys something. 

I clicked on Wattpad today.  I was going in to write more of, "Just in Time," another Jason Todd fanfic I'm making, and I see how many reads this has.  You wanna take a guess without cheating?  I can give you an exact answer too.  

94,845 reads.  

That's.  Insane.  

I can not thank you all enough for this.  I'll be making one at 100,000 if that happens.  Trust me.  I'll flip out first.  Either way, 94,000 is an insane amount.  Imagine that in money.  In karats of gold.  In poptars.  Oh, my gosh, 94,000 poptarts is the dream.  Especially chocolate fudge ones. 

I'm drifting, oops. 

At any rate, 3 years ago I posted the first chapter.  I was worried.  It was my first time doing this after all.  It had so much love even back then.  I couldn't believe it.  My first comment, I can't remember what it was, but it made me grin.  I wanted to cry.  Some people, I won't say who, actually made me tear up when I read their comments.  One on Quotev was so huge to me.  It read as follows: 

"I literally cried with my entire heart.  I can really imagine myself in the Arkham Knight game dressing like a creepy doll and fighting thugs and hugging my own father before he takes his life.  (I thought Bruce just cloned himself and moved somewhere else (Don't forget he clones!)) I imagine being held by Jason.  Thank you so much and it took me an hour to read this." 

I corrected a few spelling mistakes, and there's a bunch of hearts at the end, but I cried when I read this.  It makes me tear up just thinking about it now.  This was before the edited version, and it was crazy to me.  Someone else on Quotev said they were from New Zealand and I was shocked.  I still can't believe we've made it that far.  

Either way, I'd like to list all of the countries/places Quotev says, so that everyone gets recognition for this one.  

I want to thank everybody in: 

United States 





United Kingdom













Hong Kong




Sri Lanka
















Puerto Rico




Dominican Republic

Northern Mariana Islands

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


South Africa




That's it I think.  Holy fricking paddy wack snickle snack, Batman!  That's a crazy long list to look at.  Honestly, this story has been to more places than I can even dream of.  I didn't some of these places were places!  Either way, I want to share a heartfelt thank you to everybody in those countries and cities and whatever continent you're from.  

It means the world to me that I have been able to entertain thousands with my work.  I do it just for fun, you know?  It's just a plus I'm able to make you all laugh, cry, and have a good time.  Unless you don't like reading about a kid having to go through endless torture with the clown prince.  Then I'm sorry (Not sorry). 

I love you all, so, so, much.  

If there's anything I can do for you, I'd be more than happy to.  I'm an internet friend for you all.  No matter if I have 10,000 followers, 2 followers, or if I'm a New York Times Bestselling author or a homeless person on the street.  I am here to support you just as much as you've supported me.  You're my inspiration to continue writing.  You're my inspiration to keep chugging along in life.  Some days when I'm feeling down, I believe that there's no way anyone can like me or what I do.  Then I read one of your comments.  I see someone voted on a chapter, and I feel way better.  

Not only am I grateful, but I know the characters in my story would be grateful too.  Don't believe me? 

If Jason could find out that you guys read this, cried for him, cheered him on, tried to put him in his place when he did something wrong, he'd smirk.  He's Jason though, so when he smirks he really means that he loves it.  He loves the attention.  He's not that egotistical, but the poor kid was locked up with the Joker for over a year in his adolescence, completely alone, I think we can let him love attention.  

If Bruce could see this, he'd thank you all.  Sure, he's not happy with a bunch of people knowing he's the Batman before he revealed it all to Gotham, but he'd be very thankful you all enjoyed reading this story. 

If Alfred could see this, let's be real here, he'd make you all tea, biscuits, any dessert you'd want, and thank you.

If Dick could see this, he'd hug you all.  Whether you were like a brother, a sister, or a sibling to him, you were still a part of the story.  He wants you to feel loved, and dammit he's gonna make you feel loved even if you are a universe apart.  

If Tim could see this, he'd probably ask you to make coffee, after telling you how happy that makes him feel and how he "loves you so, so, much!  Could you make coffee now?" 

Now, what if Y/N saw this?  What would he, she, they, say about themselves?  Well, I can only imagine you'd thank yourself.  You were an awesome part of the story!  You helped make decisions without even realizing it.  As Y/N put it, "The author couldn't figure out what she wanted to do.  You made the choices for a lot of chapters!"  Y/N also wanted you to know that you should love yourself.  Don't ever doubt yourself, believe in yourself, and always know you're a superhero at heart.  Hell, not even at heart.  You ARE a superhero.   You just helped save Gotham from total destruction.  Do you know how hard that is?  You are a true superhero.  You're kind, accepting, respectful, and many little kids say that you're their role model.  That's pretty epic.  

Once again, I thank you all for being on this journey.  Part of the journey is the end, and you reached it with that epilogue.  There are so many paths you can go after a journey though.  Just...try not to take over Gotham, alright?  It has too many problems by itself.  

I love you all 3000 <3 

Sincerely, with all of the love in her heart, 

the Author, 


Hurt (Arkham Knight x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें