-anxiety attack-

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For @mrschalamet , hope u like it! ❤️


I couldn't see straight anymore.

The room was turning and the walls were coming closer, making me feel trapped.

I felt like I was suffocating, like all the oxygen I needed was sucked out of the air.

I wanted the scream for help, but I couldn't because my lungs had given out. My voice was weaker than ever and all I could do right now was fall down on the floor and cry in silence.

In the distance I heard a door slam shut, followed by the soothing voice of my fiancé.

''Babe? Where are you?'' I couldn't answer, my breathing was too uneven.

This all started around a year ago.

I was feeling anxious about a lot of things, sometimes I didn't dare to go out of the house.

Opinions mattered to me the most, everytime someone gave me a strange look I felt like I could just die right there.

I hated being scared of the world, I wanted to just be me again, yet I couldn't.

Around a few months ago the anxiety attacks started playing up. There was no specific reason to why I suddenly felt so bad, but I believe it had everything to do with my past.

As a kid I was bullied a lot. No matter what I did or didn't, they would always come for me. It started with just saying things and shutting me out, but it eventually turned into physical abuse.

When I went to high school in another state, I thought everything was going to be better.

But I thought wrong.

Until senior year people would always pick on me, for no reason most of the time.

Then I met Timmy.

He was different than any of the others, in fact, he actually cared more than anyone had ever did.

After high school we kept in touch and eventually fell in love.

A few months ago he asked me to marry him.

And now, I don't even know if I'm ready for such commitment when I'm feeling like this.

I was a crying mess, curled in a ball and softly rocking myself back and forth.

The door flew open and Timmy came in with wide eyes.

''B-babe? What is going on?'' He asked, frightened of the view he saw right in front of him.

I couldn't speak, as my breathing was still not under control. So he took me in his arms and pulled me closely to his chest.

His touch was calming.

He brushed his hands over my cheek and forced me to look at him.

''Maybe it's best if you start talking to someone. Not because you're crazy, but because your mind is too full with shit that isn't yours.'' He stated. I looked at him and cried again.

''I-I'm sorry. I w-wanted t-tell you, b-but I thought t-that this was gonna be o-over before you h-had even noticed.'' I stuttered as I tried to control my crying.

He shook his head, almost looking disappointed.

No, no. I didn't want him to be disappointed in me. He was all I had left, I couldn't bare seeing him go too.

''please don't be mad.'' I whispered as my voice broke softly.

''No, baby. Of course I'm not mad. Of course not. C'mon. Let's get you into the shower and then a cup of hot chocolate?'' He suggested, smiling lightly.

I nodded and smiled back.

''Thank you.'' I said softly, grabbing his hand and kissing it sweetly.

''Always babe, always.''


This one was so sad, I nearly cried.
If you have this, know that it's gonna be okay.

Instagram: @maritrdzx

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