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I've taken my time to think about what is going on in the world and think about how I'm going to address the situation. It's no option to stay silent, especially with a book that has many active followers. I want to apologise in advance if any of my words might come across as offending; I really don't know how to speak my mind in the right way, but after many rewrites I think this final message is the best.

It saddens me to the core how the brutality of mainly white, corrupt fucking idiots of 'police' officers affects the lives of the black community. This has been going on for too long and it's time we, as humans who care for others in times of distress and fear, take a stand and raise our voice to change that.

Only together we can create awareness and maybe, just maybe, let racist idiots see there are other, civil ways.

I feel for my black followers who directly or indirectly have been mistreated because of the racist minds of others & I want to apologise for everyone who never owned up to that mistake. You are loved, heard and you are our equals because you matter just as fucking much.

I can't believe it took losing another life for many people to open their eyes and see there needed to be a change, but I'm glad people are finally standing up together. The protests, many celebrities speaking up, the news message; hopefully this will leave a mark & pivot point in history and finally change the way people look at/ (mis)treat/ handle the black community.

You are heard, and we will fight for your lives and safety.

If you're going to any of the protests, please stay safe & think of yourself and others (Corona is still happening so try to keep that in mind). Violence is never an option, so please don't lower yourself to the level of those awful people who riot or destroy stuff; your voice can be heard by simply being there.

Black lives matter, always have and always will, and we'll make sure justice will be served in the right way.

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