19. Allergies

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Ages don't really matter anymore, use your discretion.

Jeff The Killer

You've been sneezing non-stop since you went outside. Your father noticed you stay on the porch as he worked on mowing the lawn.

He walked up to you, only for you to scrunch up your nose in pain and turn away. "(Y/N)?"

"I can't stand it! Get away from me!" You took several steps back.

"Why? Are you okay?" Your father worriedly looked down at you.

"No, I'm not. It's getting worse." You answered, lifting your sleeves up to reveal the nasty red rashes spreading along your arms.

Jeff when to grab your arm for a closer inspection only to stop when he realized his gloved hands were a mucky green from cleaning out the lawn mower.

His fingers grazed your arms and you hissed away.

"What did you do? How did you get this?" Your father, confused, asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary! I just played outside all day." You answered in a pained voice.

Jeff recalled watching you play outside, rolling and picking the grass. "Oh no..."


"You're probably going to hate this but you might be allergic to the grass."

"How is that even possible?" Your tone was disbelieving.

"Because I'm allergic to it too." Your father bent down and brushed the ankle on his pants up showcasing a slight hiving rash.

"But I don't want to be allergic to grass!" You whine, stomping your foot.

"Well," your father started, pulling his gloves off, "Hopefully we can get you allergy pills for you so you won't have to worry about it."

"Oh please!" You begged, almost getting ready to kiss his feet. You loved playing out on the grass and suddenly receiving pain because of it was dreadful. You'd do anything not to get these rashes without giving up your outside freedom.

"Alright, alright." Your father said, raising his hands, "We'll go to the pharmacy after I take a shower. I stink, wanna smell?" He goes to shove his armpit in your face.

You scrunched your nose up and stepped away, "Eww, no." You quickly get away from your noticeably smelly father who chuckles and ruffles your hair as he passes by to the bathroom.

Eyeless Jack (E.J)

Your father had asked if you could help him clean out the attic since it had been years and who knows what you'll find in the creaky dusty place.

You agreed to help him and went up to the attic, only to freak your father out when you started coughing and choking. The small yet noticeable dust particles leaving a burning sensation to your skin and you repeatedly slapped them away from you.

Once you were out of there, your father concluded that you must have had an allergic reaction to the dust.

You were secretly overjoyed when he said you never had to clean the house ever because of it.

Ben Drowned

You got lucky, well not really but your father never forced you to go outside ever again.

Your skin started to itch as you stepped outside with your father, the two of you had gone out into the yard, where events only got worse.

Once your father noticed your skins condition he rushed you to the slender mansion who could give you medical assistance without freaking out the civilians with your father's appearance.

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