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"Mr. Potter, I see you are late once again, ten points from Gryffindor. Just take your seat and pay attention," Snape says dryly before turning back and once again explaining what they were doing.

Harry sighs as he walks to his bench to sit next to Draco who's glaring at him. "Potter, late as per usual. Did you get lost?" He sneers before turning back to listen to the list of ingredients they need for the potion. Next thing he knew Draco is handing him a piece of paper. "Go get these."

Harry looks at the list before heading into the pantry and starting to grab everything they need. Draco comes and stands at the doorway to the pantry just looking at Harry who doesn't see him. But when he eventually does Draco starts walking towards him a sneer appearing on his face. "What's taking so long?" Draco demanded.

"Oh shove off Malfoy I have everything," Harry spits at him as he walks out with Draco behind him. They sit back down and begin to work, which they are able to successfully make the potion. Though Harry won't say it out loud, they're only able to accomplish it because Draco is so good at potions and Harry is so bloody horrible at it.

When class is finally over Harry meets up with Hermione and Ron in the hall and they are off to their rooms. Ron and Harry have to change for Quidditch and Hermione heads to the library to study.

When they get to the field Ginny runs up to him and hugs him tightly and gives him a quick kiss. Harry smiles at her then starts the practice, and they are off, zooming though the air. When it's over they all head back into change for dinner.

"You may eat," Dumbledore says with a flourish of his robes as always. Then the food appears and everyone starts to dig in.

"So, how was practice?" Hermione asks them taking a small bit unlike the boy next to her who is stuffing a bunch of food in his mouth.

"It was good as always," Harry says as he wraps his arm around Ginny's shoulders pulling her into a side hug. "You did great as always," He whispers in her ear making her smile and kiss him softly.

A gagging sound comes from across the table and they look at Ron as he stares at them in disgust. "Can't you like not do that while I'm here, I mean she's my sister," Ron says over dramatically and acting as if he's going to vomit.

"Whatever Ron," Ginny says rolling her eyes at him but smiling.

Then abruptly the doors open causing everyone to look in that direction. And there stands a bunch of kids walking in and looking around in amazement. There's an older red head, like Weasley hair, holding a younger brown haired boy. Next to them stands a boy about the girls age, that looks scarily like Draco, who also is holding a little girl with matching blond hair. In the middle of them is a young boy with black hair who's talking to the older boy.

"Who are they?" Ron asks with a mouth full of food to which he swallows after receiving a hit on the head from Hermione.

"Daddy!" the little blond girl exclaims jumping out of the older boy's arms and running in Harry's direction.

"Lily!" The boy yells as he runs after her trying to stop her but it's too late as she jumps onto Harry.

He looks down at her quite confused and is a little nervous as everyone around them stares in his direction. "Well hello little girl," Harry says patting her back as she clutches at his neck tightly. She pulls away and looks at him critically her eyes a very bright green much like his own.

"Bubby, why is daddy so small?" Lily says still staring at Harry taking in his every feature and it seems kind of familiar to him for some odd reason.

"Lily, that's not daddy," Scorpius says trying to remove her from Harry's lap but she won't move.

"Yes, it is see he has the scar," Lily says touching Harry's lightning scar causing people around them to gasp. "Again, why is he so small?"

"I guess that's were all the brains went," Rose said walking up next to Scorpius and bumping him with her hip.

"Haha, very funny but I'm trying to stop something bad from happening while you are just standing here. You were the one who said it would be dangerous," Scorpius remarks starting to get angry.

"Well I saw nothing wrong because they are going to find out anyways so why wait. But if there was danger then I would have done something. Unlike you who just rushes into danger with no care for the consequences of your actions much like our current circumstances," She basically growls as she gets up in his face.

"This sounds familiar," Hermione says to Ron who just nods his head in agreement.

Rose then takes a deep breath before regaining her composure and looking at Harry before speaking, "Sorry about her."

"I see no problem with it, she's adorable," Ginny says next to him as she looks at Lily sweetly. Lily looks at her critically as well and pulls Harry closer when she sees Ginny leaning into his side.

"Who are you?" Lily asks looking at her oddly while the few people who were paying attention to what the girl is saying about Harry being her dad look at each other confused. They had all assumed that Ginny was her mom because they all assumed they would marry each other, even though their hair contrast extremely.

"I'm Ginny," she replies a little confused before looking at the other kids.

"No way, Aunt Ginny," James and Scorpius says looking at her shocked then smiles spread on their faces. "We've never met you officially but you are a legend!"

"Idiots," Rose says whacking the back of their heads to which they recoil glaring at her. "Ignore them, I've met you, you try to keep your distance so they haven't seen you. We aren't supposed to mention anything other than family relations."

"Well, it's not like we actually had set rules I mean we literally just got here, leave me alone," Scorpius argues rolling his eyes and smiling at Ginny. "Okay, so we are from the future."

"Idiot," Rose once again whacks his head making the group at the table chuckle as he hisses at her. "Be more subtle, but yeah what he said."

"You are from...the future?" Harry asks looking between all the kids and the little girl in his lap nodding. "So like our kids?"

"Yeah exactly," James says smiling at them brightly, with his black hair and green eyes he has to be Harry's, Hermione thinks.

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