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"He tends to be the last one awake," Rose says gesturing to Hugo as she leans into Scorpius's side as he continues to talk to Harry about other arguments he has with Draco. "Since dad's become Auror he-"

"Wait I'm an Auror? Awesome," Ron says pumping his fist excited to know what he'll be.

"But only if you try your hardest and don't assume you just get the job," Hermione points out to which he nods in agreement. "What am I?"

"You are the Minister of magic," Rose says to which Scorpius has now stopped his conversation with his parents who are staring at her shocked.

"Really?" Hermione asks a grin appearing on her face and Rose nods proud of her mom.

"You are very big with the protection of magical creatures," Scorpius adds making Rose playfully glare at him making him smile.

"What do I do?" Harry asks excited what he chose to do in his future as well.

"Well, dad you are Uncle Ron's Auror partner," Scorpius says to which they cheer and give each other a high five. "And Father works at St. Mungo's."

"I'm a healer," Draco says more to himself than really anyone else.

"You said you caused so many people to get hurt, that you wanted to finally be able to help people," Scorpius says staring at his dad happily while he let's this news set in.

"I hurt people?" Draco asks quietly looking between Rose and Scorpius who turn to look at each other.

"I mean it's not your fault specifically but you blame yourself because a lot of people do end up...getting hurt," Scorpius responds a little reluctantly. "Like cousin Teddy's parents were killed but dad is his God Father and Father is his cousin so he grew up in our house."

"Who's his parents?" Harry asks quietly feeling sorry for him and happy to be able to be there for him. Scorpius doesn't respond but instead shakes his head to signify that he isn't going to tell.

"Him and Victoire have been dating for the past four and a half years so he's really happy," Rose says chuckling a little thinking about how cute they are together.

"Are either of you in a relationship?" Ron asks suspiciously while receiving an odd look from Rose who then rolls her eyes.

"You ask me that quite often," Rose huffs but shakes her head. "No, but no ones asked."

"I have had a few girls who have asked, but that's to be expected," Scorpius says with fake arrogance making Rose scoff and bump shoulders with him.

"He's a complete saint and usually lets the few girls who ask down gently," Rose says playfully scrunching her nose and pursing her lips in his direction. "But I think James will totally be a heart breaker."

"You know it," James says trying to be flirtatious and winks at her making her fake a faint while everyone laughs.

"But I'm not sure where he got it from," Rose says looking between Draco and Harry who shrug.

"I mean most of the time the relationships I'm been in usually don't work out but there's Ginny," Harry is saying but winces when he says her name and looks at Ron whose eyes widen. "Ginny!"

"Crap," Ron mutters rubbing his forehead as if he has a headache. "We are so dead."

Harry lookes at Draco knowing that he isn't going to let him go now that he has him. "I don't even know what to say to her," Harry groans as he falls back into Draco's chest who tries to comfort him though he is scared Harry is going to choose her over him.

"What do you want to tell her?" Draco asks worried and Harry could hear the doubt of Harry staying with him so he kisses Draco's lips to reassure him.

"I don't know how to let her down without her actually killing me," Harry groans again to which Lily leans up and kisses his forehead wondering if that would help.

"Can I talk to her?" Lily asks sounding too much like an adult for her young age.

"I don't think that is such a good idea," Harry says but Scorpius starts nodding his head rapidly.

"Let her do it!" He almost yells shocking everyone. "No one else had seen it other that dad and I, She is insanely amazing at talking to people who flirt with dad. Like we went to the grocery once and this girl walked up to dad and was like touching his arm and flirting, yuck. And Lily nicely told her off but once the lady didn't listen and treated her as if she was just some baby she like blew up at her. Dad was so shocked but greatful because she even did it with the few paparazzi who pop out of no where every once in a while."

"Wow," Harry says looking down at the little girl who is smirking at him with Draco's smirk and he can't help but smile being very proud of her. "Well, okay then let's see how this goes."

"Right now we need to go eat breakfast before it disappears," Hermione says to which everyone nods and a few stomachs growl. "But we need to change quickly so we'll meet at the Great hall."

"Are we just going to stay in these or can we change?" Scorpius says gesturing to his regular clothes.

"You can borrow some of our clothes," Hermione says setting Hugo down so that he can wake up more. "But I think the little ones are fine as they are."

"So, Who is going with who?" Harry asks his kids wondering if they'll be going to the dungeons with Draco or to the Gryffindor Tower.

"Well, if I'm going to be a Gryffindor I might as well see the Slytherin common room now," James says hopping down from his bed. "And I'll borrow Father's robes."

"I sleep in the dungeons as I'm pretty sure they are still the same so I want to see the Gryffindor Tower," Scorpius responds and assumes Harry knows he is borrowing his robes.

Lily was now on the ground looking between her dads not knowing who to choose. "I'll go with Father cause I wanna see the dungeons and I look good in green," she says giggling as she jumps into his arms.

"But you don't need robes," James says only to receive a deadly glare.

"But I want them, you just gotta shrink them," She says as the glare is quickly replaced with a smile as Draco stands and they all head out of the room.

"Is she able to go into your dorm?" Harry whispers in Draco's ear making him shiver at the feeling of his breath on his neck.

"Yeah, my Father got me my own dorm,"Draco whispers back in Harry's ear winking at him to which Harry blushes.

"Sounds lonely," Harry says kissing Draco on the lips but quickly stopping when Ron fake gags.

"Stop flirting we have to hurry," Ron says as he and his family starts walking away causing Harry and Scorpius to run to catch up.

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