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All of a sudden there is a flash of light and loud banging that can be heard downstairs. Everyone at the dining table freezes not sure what they should expect if they are to go upstairs.

"What if it's the kids?" Ron wonders out loud hopeful that he may be right.

"What if it isn't?" Draco counters reluctant to go up first, because he's terrified and second, if it isn't the kids then there is a chance he could get hurt and that's most definitely not good for the baby. "So, who's going up?"

Ron was about to say that he should go up if he's so willing to push it off on someone, but then he looks down at his stomach and shuts up. "I'll go," Harry standing up from the table and kissing Draco on the forehead as he tries to pull him back onto his seat.

"Harry," Draco whines not wanting him to go though he knows that he won't be able to stop him. The rest of them stand up and follow a little ways behind him.

There are voices on the other side of Hermione's office door. "Why do you always land on me!?!" Rose demands as she yells at an embarrassed Scorpius.

"You okay Lily?" Scorpius asks suddenly not having an answer for Rose's question as she too turns to check on Hugo.

A big smile grows on Harry's face as he pushes open the office door to see the kids standing there. "I'm so glad you guys are safe!" Harry says running forward and pulling them all into a big hug.

"Uncle Harry, can't breath," Rose says making him chuckle as he lets go and she dramatically sucks in air.

A moment later Ron, Hermione, and Draco rush into the room with the rest of the family to give them hugs and see if they're okay. Once it is finally decided that they are fine Hermione becomes very serious, "Where is it?"

Scorpius reluctantly steps forward and places the time-turner in Hermione's waiting, open hand. "I'm really sorry Aunt Hermione, I didn't know that it was the time-turner," Scorpius apologizes as he stares down at the ground. Hermione's angry glare slips a little from her face as she sighs.

"I'm not going to say that it's okay, because it's not, but I'm glad you are home," Hermione responds stooping down to give him a hug before he goes to his father and she goes to her own kids.

"You are so grounded young man," Draco says looking at Scorpius with a stern look before grabbing his head and pulling him into a hug. "I'm glad you're safe."

"Daddy!" Lily cheers loudly as she runs up to Harry and hugs his legs making him chuckle and pick her up.

"Well, hello my little flower," Harry says grinning and kissing her cheek sloppily making her giggle and wipe away his saliva.

"Yeah, missed you so," James says sarcastically knowing it would get Harry's attention.

"Oh, shush. Come here," Harry says rolling his eyes at James's dramatics. Draco denies it but that is all him. He always says that James is like Harry yet when you look at this part of James you can't deny how much he is like Draco. "Love you."

"Love you too dad," James says giving him a tight hug before heading over to Draco as Scorpius walks up to Harry.

"So what is it?" Harry says looking at his son expectantly waiting to hear his punishment.

"Well, since I'll be at school father said he's going to talk to McGonagall about having me do detention for a month," Scorpius sighs to which Harry nods in understanding and wondering what he will be doing in detention.

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