I Don't Want to Forget

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They all head outside to sit by the lake, Harry leans back against a tree while Draco curls into his side with his head on Harry's shoulder.

Ron is sitting next to them with Hermione sitting between his legs as she leans back against his chest. "You know I'm actually going to miss being around you guys," Draco says chuckling gaining looks from the other pair. "You may be a bit obnoxious sometimes but I think maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that's why Harry likes you guys so much."

"What do you mean?" Ron asks still looking at this person, he isn't quite sure who he is anymore. It's like someone has placed a imperius curse on him just to fool them into trusting him.

"You don't act differently when he's around, you don't pretend to be perfect but instead show your flaws openly. You both aren't perfect and that's perfectly fine," Draco can not believe the words that are coming out of his mouth. He is complementing them, something he never thought he could do before. "I still have trouble with that."

Draco wants to scream, why is he telling them all of these things that he has kept inside of him. Is it because they are going to forget in a few hours and he wants them to know even if they do forget it? He just wants this moment to last forever, him in Harry's arms at peace with the couples next to them.

Harry kisses his temple softly whispering in his ear, "I love you." Draco can't help but smile up at him seeing complete and unchanging love in his bright green eyes.

"I love you too," Draco says grinning happily, happier then he can ever remember being in his entire life.

"You two are disgustingly cute," Pansy says chuckling as she gains all of their attention.

"How was your um...time together?" Ron coughs blushing as he avoids eye contact while Hermione giggles.

"Well, if you must know it was bloody fantastic," Blaise responds making the couple blush a bright red. Harry just looks back and forth between the two quite confused while Draco just chuckles at his face.

Harry gives up leaning against the tree even more, though he is still tense knowing they will have to head to dinner in a few minutes. "I'm gonna miss this with all of you guys," He sighs looking at Draco and the other couples.

"Awe, Harry you aren't so bad yourself," Pansy says smiling at him before looking over at the other couple with a smaller smile. "Neither are you lot."

"Gee, thanks," Ron tries to say sarcastically but he is actually kind of touched by her words. But what's sad is once this is over they will go back to hating each other once again. Though apparently in the future they will be somewhat friends. "I wonder how long it'll be before we actually become friends."

"Well, if it's up to these two probably not long," Pansy says gesturing to Draco and Harry who look at her confused.

"What do you mean by that?" Draco asks as his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion making her giggle. Yes, Pansy Parkinson just giggles!

"I mean isn't it obvious?" Blaise looks at the couple like they're stupid confusing them even more then before.

"They're right mate," Ron says agreeing with the couple, something he thought he'd never actually do.

"Please elaborate," Draco says nodding in Pansy's direction to keep talking.

"Well, you two could barely keep your hands off of each other before you knew you liked each other, now that you know you seem to not want to let go of each other, at all. I am one hundred percent sure it won't take long for you guys to get together," Pansy explains causing the couple to look back and forth between each other and Pansy for a minute.

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