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"Draco, stop!" Pansy calls after him trying to stop him from running away from what happened with Harry.

"Why should I?" Draco says over his shoulder still not stopping his brisk walk towards the dungeons.

"Because you don't know everything, maybe there is something you're missing," Blaise calls after him tired of chasing Draco.

"What could I possibly be missing?" Draco demands stopping abruptly and turning to his friends. "I was kissing Harry Potter and he was obviously disgusted."

"How could you possibly know that? You didn't even stay to see how he felt," Pansy says exasperated as she finally stood in front of him in the middle of the hallway.

"How do you expect him to feel?" Draco says throwing his arms up while Pansy chooses not to respond.

"I'm going to ask one more time, what was that? Did you initiate it or did he?" Blaise cuts in still shocked from what he say in the great hall. Sure he knew Draco was gay and had a crush on someone but he never guessed it was Potter.

At that moment Harry comes racing down the halls and stops around the corner as Draco begins to rant.

"I don't know what that was. And no I am not going to go back and confronting him about it. I am just going to ignore it because that is what he is going to do as well. Why would he want me if he already has the Weaslette? And just so you remember HE'S NOT GAY. Have you ever seen him with a guy? NO!" Draco can't help but rant giving his friends no room to answer any of the questions he was asking them.

"Just because I haven't been with a guy doesn't mean I'm not gay," Harry says stepping around the corner with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.

Draco takes a few steps back shocked that Harry had heard what he said. A blush grows up his neck as he tries to avoid Harry's penetrating eyes. "So, you don't like me," Draco states matter of factually.

"You can't tell me what I feel," Harry says as he starts taking steps forward while Pansy and Blaise move out of his way. Draco shoots them a glare for just leaving him to Harry's devices, to which they shrug innocently and run back in the direction of the great hall.

"But you don't," Draco states again but weaker than before scared yet intrigued by what is happening.

"I could," Harry states as Draco is backed against the wall and Harry is only a breath away from him and could easily lean forward to kiss him at any moment.

"What about the Weaslette?" Draco breaths unsure if he even remembers how to breath as Harry stands so close to him. He had dreamed about this so many times but he never believed it could actually be happening. It this a dream?

Harry chuckles as he stares at this beautiful and unsure boy standing in front of him. He wonders why he had never realized how beautiful he was before all of this. All he wants is for Draco to be his and no one else's because he would be so angry at himself if he ever let Draco go.

"Easy, all I have to say is that we're over. How could I lead her on if I am in love with someone else?" Harry states, that word the word Draco had always dreamed of Harry saying to him.

"Love?" Draco chokes out shocked, confused, and not knowing how to respond.

"Yeah," Harry sighs as he nuzzles into Draco's neck smiling happily as he wraps his arms around Draco's waist. He takes a deep breath loving how it feels to be so close to Draco. "Love."

Draco gasps as Harry kisses the space between his neck and his shoulder. He doesn't know what to do with his hands so he just leaves them to stay at his sides. "How can you be so sure?" Draco whispers as Harry continues to leave gentle kisses on his neck making it hard to swallow. If this is a dream he never wants to wake up.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I've never had anyone make me feel this way. That kiss was amazing and then you ran, I wish you would have stayed," Harry whispers against Draco's neck causing him to shiver, in a good way.

"I though you hated it, I thought you hated me," Draco sighs finally moving his arms to wrap around Harry's neck.

"I've never hated you, I just didn't realize I loved you," Harry chuckles pulling away to stare into Draco's silver-blue eyes. Harry so badly wants to kiss Draco but wants him to make the first move so he knows Draco isn't uncomfortable.

"Are you sure?" Draco asks not wanting to kiss Harry without knowing for sure that Harry isn't tricking him or going to change his mind later on.

"Yeah," Harry breaths, his warm breath against Draco's lips causing him to smile. It's like they are dancing around what they really want to do and Draco quite liked teasing Harry so he pulls away.

Harry pouts at Draco before Draco then leans in to whisper in Harry's ear, "Are you one hundred percent positive?"

"Merlin, just shut up and kiss me," Harry mumbles making Draco smirk gripping the sides of Harry's face and smashing their lips together.

They smile against each other's lips feeling as if they had done this a thousand times before. They seemed to fit together perfectly. "Why haven't we done his before?" Harry gasps as they pull away from the breathtakingly, amazing kiss.

"Because your stupid and I'm stubborn," Draco chuckles making Harry roll his eyes and pull him into an even more intense kiss. Harry pullS him tight against his chest never wanting to let him go. "Finally."


Thank you to all of you who have read all of this story. This it technically my first Harry Potter story that has gotten out of the two hundreds. Sure the characters and setting weren't mine but the plot and story line are.

I know there are a lot of Harry Potter Time-turner stories but there aren't many with Drarry in them. I look quite often to see if there are but there are only two or three that I can actually find. So I decided to write my own, and I really hope you liked it.

I had a lot of fun writing this and hope you guys had fun reading it. I'm not sure if I'll do another Drarry fanfic because it might take a while to come up with something original that'll actually make a good story.

If you want you can go read my other Harry Potter book that I want to do a series for, "What Magic?" Here's a secret, later on down the road in that series there will be Drarry but I'm not telling you which book or which chapter cause I don't know at the moment. Though those are going to be slow posts cause I get writer's block often.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next though. Maybe:

Sequel - cause I have an idea of what I can do...I might just do this one no matter what you say😂

Another fandom story



Love you guys so much!! See you in the FUTURE😉

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