Our first time

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⚠️Warning: mentions of abuse, rape, and very sensitive subjects so be warned. Y'all knew this was coming.

"You know I had come in here to break up with you," Draco whispers embarrassed as he plays with Harry's fingers while they lay on the bed that he had previously been sharing with Ginny.

"What?" Harry looks down at him confused and worried that something had really upset him. "But you knew that I was under a love spell and that was all it was. I love you, why would you come to break up with me?"

"Well, outside of this school we would be enemies. I'm a death eater Harry and you the savior who will vanquish the dark lord. We are on opposite sides of this war and I'm going to be forced to do horrible things. He's already threatened my family Harry and I won't just let them die. You're just going to end up hating me so why make the good times last if it's going to end terribly," Draco explains in such a emotionless and similar voice to the many previous times when he would speak to Harry in the past.

"Draco, I could never hate you," Harry says caressing Draco's face and combing his fingers through his blond locks.

"You did before," Draco states softly looking away from Harry not wanting him to see his face.

"I never hated you I was just so overwhelmed with everything that has been happening since I started at Hogwarts. You have always been that one constant thing that holds me to reality and when you did you usually pointed out the worst parts about myself. My parents have always been a very sensitive spot that you always seemed to poke at," Harry explains smiling down at Draco who is looking down not seeing the loving look directed at him.

"Sorry," Draco apologizes feeling really bad for everything mean he's ever said to Harry.

"I'm not going to say that what you did was okay but I liked that you didn't treat me like I was above you. Like how everyone else believes I'm some god or treasure that adores the spot light, though you did always accuse me of that," Harry continues chuckling softly. "Honestly I hate the spotlight, I get so anxious when so many eyes are on me. I've just gotten really good at hiding it."

Draco looks up into Harry's eyes and cups his face softly inspecting his face softly. "You have anxiety?" Draco asks curiously.

"Yeah," Harry answers chuckling though Draco doesn't find it as funny. "The golden boy has anxiety, I've had a few panic attracts over the years but I tend to deal with them on my own. I blame the way I was raised."

This topic peaks Draco's interest as he had heard somethings that were accidentally mentioned by the others. "Um, about that how exactly were you raised? I've heard somethings accidentally mentioned though I can't quite understand what they are talking about," Draco says quietly rubbing circles on Harry's chest who cringes at the thought of having to explain this to Draco.

Harry sighs loudly before beginning, "Well, I didn't grow up in a very good house hold, I lived with my aunt, uncle, and cousin as I'm sure you know." Draco nods and he continues. "My aunt had always been jealous of my mother for having magic while she didn't so when they received me as a baby that jealousy turned to hate and fear. They were extremely abusive people who treated me like a slave and for the first 10 years of my life I lived in a small cupboard under the stairs."

Draco was so overwhelmed by all this information and he didn't know what to say. He never suspected Harry to have lived such a terrible life and he was scared to find out more.

"They would beat me when I made a mistake or accidentally use my magic," Harry says to which Draco jumps in.

"But that can't be helped everyone goes through that uncontrollable phase," Draco whines worried about what they would do to Harry.

"They didn't care about that, they despised magic and still do but they're too scared to do anything now that I'm learning how to use it. I stopped living in the cupboard after first year and instead got my cousins old toy room, it's small but enough," Harry concludes not wanting to go further into the details but that seems to be exactly what Draco wants to do.

"Scorpius, said something about how you wouldn't have tried to force yourself on Ginny because of something. What was that about?" Draco wonders making Harry look away while squeezing his eyes closed and rubbing his free hand down his face.

"Scorpius," He groans before taking a much needed breath if he is going to talk about this now. He turns back to Draco and staring at his lips not wanting to look him in the eyes as he says this. "My Uncle sometimes got quite drunk which didn't help when he was exceptionally angry and my aunt and cousin weren't at home. He'd beat me till I could barely move and then.....force himself on me."

The room becomes very quiet as Draco absorbs this information with wide eyes. "What?" Draco gasps not wanting to believe it. Harry pulls away from Draco and turns so his back is facing Draco and he is staring at the wall.

"I don't know how many times it happened, far too many if you ask me," Harry says softly his eyes squeezed closed while he can feel tears rising. "They didn't trust me to stay home alone, so whenever Dudley had some kind of event my aunt would go and my uncle would stay. If I think about it which I refrain from doing as much as possible I can still feel him. I have nightmares about it and I get so terrified that he'll do it again when I'm at home."

Harry doesn't realize that his tears had started to fall or that his voice had begun to shake until he feels  Draco wrap his arms around his waist. "Hey," Draco whispers quietly in his ear. Harry is happy they don't have to worry about Ginny walking in during this very sensitive moment. As she had already walked in when they were snogging on the bed which kept them from going much further.

"So, you're not a virgin," Draco asks quietly.

"No, but I like to think I am as I never gave consent let alone wanted to do it especially with my uncle especially at such a young age," Harry chokes on his words but is able to push them out of his throat.

"When it's our first time," Draco mumbles as he presses kisses to back of Harry's neck. "It'll be both of our first times."

Harry just nods smiling slightly and kissing the palm of Draco's hand that had been laid across him. "I love you so much," Harry whispers against his skin.

"I love you too," Draco whispers against the back of Harry's neck and giving him a finally kiss before they both fall asleep in each other's arms for the first time in a while.

Gosh I despised writing this chapter because like I am imagining Vernon from the movies and I don't even want to imagine that. Like I understand how much of a sensitive subject this is to many people.

Like you need consent don't do it if you get a no it's pretty much common sense.

Okay well see you next week😘

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