The Time-Turner Part 3

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Okay so the thing about the dungeons is that it is said to be extremely big and complicated, so I am making up everything when I talking about where they are going. So wish we luck that I did this at all successfully. Anyways, enjoy...

"Why is it always so dark down here?" Rose complains once they had stepped foot in the dungeons, stepping closer to Scorpius as she had felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. "Why does it seem like it keeps getting creepier every time I come down here?"

"That is actually false, since we are in the past this is technically, in some strange way, the first time you've been down here. Therefore it starts out creepier then it is in the future, which is actually a good thing," Scorpius says as if he has any clue as to what he is talking about while arose just rolls her eyes.

They keep walking until they come to a three way split and knowing it will take too longe to search all of them together they decide to split up. "Alright so I'll go to the right and you go to the left, if we don't find anything we'll meet back here before going down the middle together," Rose plans out to which Scorpius agrees. He honestly doesn't think he could think of a better one, he would have just had them stay together.

They walk to stand in front of their decoded tunnel waving goodbye to each other and stepping in. "Lumos," Rose whispers as she walks down the passage since she had been unable to see the ground before. Rose shivers glaring at the place around her. "I really don't like this place."

She decided just to stay quite while she continues to walk down the passage, how long is this thing? After a while she sees a light further down in the area of darkness her wand can't quite reach yet. But as she gets closer she can make out the shadow of someone. Or two?

"Um, hello?" Rose calls out wonder what they are doing here. But once she gets quite close she gets really worried as she sees they are two much older Slytherin boys smirking at her. She suddenly stops not wanting to go closer as they step in her direction.

"Ah, a Gryffindor," One of them says looking at my robes as I swallow hard and attempt to hold my ground. "What are you doing here, little lion?"

"I lost something and I'm seeing if it ended up down here," She tries to state simply but her voice shakes a little. She knows that Slytherins are not evil but she's also heard about many of them are like at this time.

"Why would it be down here, little lion? Unless you've been here before," One of them says as they both back her into a wall with no where to go. "We don't like it when Gryffindors or anyone else comes into our territory."

"But I have a friend in Slytherin, several actually," She states trying to stay strong and not be completely terrified of what they are going to do to her.

They start laughing loudly before it's the other boys turn to talk, "That's quite funny because we don't make friends with anyone, especially Gryffindors."

They send a jinx at me but I block it quickly not really in the mood to be beat up or whatever they are planning on doing. "Can we not do this,really? I just want to find what belongs to me and leave," She states exasperated to which the boys glance at each other and snake their head no.

"Hey Rosie, what's taking you so long?" Scorpius calls out into the darkness as he enters her tunnel heading down it. He had finished he is own quite quickly because it was really long and only led to a small, empty closet.

He then sees a light in the darkness and makes a run towards it cause it's not moving. "Rose?" He questions before he sees the two boys' shadows cornering Rose. "What's going on?"

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