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When they enter mostly everyone who shows up to learn is already there. They are chatting among themselves but when they see the kids and Draco walk in with the trio everyone goes quiet.

"What is he doing here?" A voice among the crowd says but no one makes who it is obvious.

"It's quite a long story but we need to start," Harry says trying to change the topic and not have to talk about this with them, plus Ginny is there and glaring angrily at Draco.

"What if he tells?" Neville asks seeming quite worried about getting in trouble. Harry looks at Draco who looks at him and he can tell that he won't but that isn't going to be enough for everyone else.

"I promise you he won't but if he does," I pause for a second to look into his eyes. "it will be 100% my fault ."

Everyone is still skeptical but they began anyways seeing as they have already taken up too much time. Some people are working on defensive and offensive spells while others work on trying to form their patronus.

Draco stands to the side with the kids just watching not wanting to get in anyone's way. He wants to try to form his patronus but doesn't know how and doesn't want to embarrass himself if he isn't able to.

After a while of helping the others Harry makes his way over  to them smiling happily. "Do you want to try?" Harry asks Draco who doesn't know what to say, he isn't sure he's worthy and there are the legends of what happens if someone unworthy tries.

"I think Father would love to," James says pushing Draco forward roughly causing him to bump into Harry.

"Well, okay then let's begin," Harry says as he then begins to instruct Draco. He was having trouble but the constant remarks from Harry are making him very agitated. He never has liked when Harry tells him to do something so this isn't an exception.

Draco quickly learns how to say it and how to move his wand correctly so in a moment of irritation and a little anger he yells, "You Prat! Expecto Patronum!" And out of his want comes a bright, silver light that flew up and forms a dragon who then flies around the room spewing silver flames. A few people duck scared it might actually hurt them but eventually it disappears.

"Cool, am I right?" Scorpius asks with a large smile on his face showing off all of his bright white teeth.

"Yeah," Draco and Harry breath as they are still staring at where the dragon had last been.

"A dragon, I think that fits you quite well," Ron says walking over and chuckling before patting Draco on the shoulder in a friendly manner. This action shocks Draco out of his stupor to which he looks at him with wide eyes. "Vicious, loud mouthed, and always spouting stuff everywhere."

Draco glares at him in what appeared to be a playful manner. "And what is yours," He asks but doesn't receive an answer so he smirks.

"A Jack Russell Terrier," Rose answers for him receiving a glare from her father, she then sends him an innocent look as if she hadn't done anything wrong. "What?"

"Ah, small, always yipping up a storm, and thinks he's bigger than he is," Draco says smirking at Ron who growls at him angrily. "Hey, he even growls like one!"

"Okay guys, knock it off we don't want to start anything," Hermione says placing a hand on Ron's arm to get him to calm down and not get too worked up.

"I wanna try!" Lily and Hugo say happily jumping up from where they are sitting and running to their parents.

"You're too little and you don't have your wands yet," Hermione says tapping Hugo on the nose to which he pouts then chuckles happily.

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