| 9 | numb

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The car halts outside of Daisy's place and for some confusing reason she finds that she is too afraid to exit the vehicle. Daisy has a feeling that what's waiting for her inside is not at all pleasant however she needs to be there for her family even if it might hurt her badly in the process.

'Thanks for an amazing night.' Daisy says grinning at Timothée. She meant it, it was an amazing night. One she would be replaying in her mind over and over again. Timothée shakes his head. 'No. thank you, for being so generous with your time and meeting my parents. You really didn't have to.' Timothée places his hand on her thigh, it was meant to be friendly but she couldn't help but feel the chills run up her spine as he does so.

A part of her was thankful she had on a layer of clothing over her thighs because if he'd touched her bare skin she didn't know what she would have done. 'It was really no problem, I had a lot of fun.' Daisy then reaches for the door handle but finds that Timothée has beat her to it. He is standing outside and has already opened up the car door.

She feels a blush creeping on her cheeks for the thousandth time that night as she exits the car. 'Thanks, But you really don't have to do the whole walking me to my doorstep thing, I'm fine on my own.' Although, Daisy says this she knows deep down that she really wants him to walk her to her door and place a kiss on her lips and call it a night leaving her flustered and full of lust.

But she immediately shakes the thought out of her mind because there was no way he could be into her, at least not in the way she wanted him to be. Daisy watches as Timothée runs a hand through his curls with a shy smile on his face. 'Well, I want to.' He says simply leading the way up the steps and past the row of Daisy flowers that her mother had bought a few days ago.

Daisy follows suite and they reach the door, both standing there awkwardly. Neither one uttering a word for a solid moment. 'You have a nice house.' Timothée says making Daisy hold back a laugh at the stillness in the air.


'No problem.'



As he looked over at her, with his hands behind his back and his curls running wild in the summer night breeze Daisy couldn't help but wonder what it might feel like if he closed the very small space between them and and placed his lips on her own. She wanted him, she just couldn't figure out why felt the way she was feeling.

Timothée turns towards Daisy with a nervous grin on his face. Instead of closing the space between them with a kiss, he leans in for a hug and she can't help but accept it. It was nice, and comforting until she could feel his breath on her neck and felt the goosebumps on her body start to rise.

Daisy ignored the feelings going through her and held on to him for a moment longer. He could smell her now distinct perfume and held onto her tightly before pulling away. 'I hope everything is alright, with Harvey and all.' Timothée is now staring at the wooden door before them. Daisy nods, looking at the door and wondering what mystery lies behind it tonight. She wasn't sure if she was brave enough to face it.

'Yeah me too.' She sighs heading towards the door. Her hand reaches the knob however Timothée can't help but grasp her tightly causing her to jolt. Daisy turns around to face him. 'What's wrong?' She asks with concern on her features.

Timothée shrugs letting go of her. 'Nothing. Just.. let me know if everything is alright, ok? And if you need anything you can talk to me.' Timothée doesn't know where his outburst came from but he couldn't deny that he was starting to care for this girl.

Especially after she took the time to hang out with his parents and be ever so kind and sweet to them and to him. This was the least he could do for her, she deserved more. 'Thanks Timmy, I appreciate it.' She pulls him in for another hug but this one isn't very long and she's pulling away in an instant. She reaches for the door knob and this time he doesn't hold her back. He just watches the door click shut behind her and heads back to his car, with multiple thoughts consuming him.


When Daisy entered the house she realized it was nothing out of the ordinary. The sound of muffled yelling could be heard from upstairs and Daisy chose to avoid it and head to her room where she knew for a fact Pierre would be seated patiently waiting for her.

She enters her room and as she'd expected Pierre was inside laying on her bed with the t.v turned on to a movie he'd watched a thousand times before. 'What happened?' Daisy asks taking a seat beside him on the bed as he switched off the television. Although she could guess a good amount of it based off of the yelling she had heard, she still wanted to know what had gone down.

'Dad was at a meeting and Harvey got really drunk and he showed up and wrecked it even though dad specifically told him to stop coming to the meetings whether he was sober or not.' Daisy tried to act concerned or hurt but really all she felt was numb. This was becoming too much of a routine for her. Harvey does this, Harvey does that. Harvey embarrassed Dad, Harvey made mom cry. Harvey, Harvey, Harvey.. it used to be painful but she realized it stopped feeling that way when Pierre began to shed tears and she couldn't even feel her throat go dry.

Usually they were both emotional wrecks. Usually when Harvey would fuck up Daisy would feel a pit in her stomach and want to cry forever and forever but not today. Today she felt nothing. No tears, no pain, no stomach ache, no heart ache. Just numbness and she couldn't describe the way it felt so she kept quiet in front of Pierre and played along. 'That's awful, Dad must have been so mad that he crashed the meeting.' Daisy says.

Pierre nods. 'Harvey is in Dad's room right now, they've been arguing nonstop since I texted you.' For a moment the two of them go silent as they listen to their father's muffled voice. They could make out some of the words he was saying but most were too low for them to hear. Pierre didn't leave Daisy's room when she turned off the lights so she decided against kicking him out.

Although she wanted to lay alone tonight, she wasn't going to let Pierre sleep uncomfortably in his room as he listened to the commotion. Pierre's room was closest to their mom and dad's room and he gets frightened easily when their voices get too loud to endure. It would be cruel for her to tell him to leave. Instead she gets under the covers and faces the other way mumbling a good night and getting one in return from Pierre.

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